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Skyrim talk:Belrand

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By the Nines[edit]

Why is Belrand so fucking hideous? Or did the screen shot got messed up or something? This is terrifying. 04:41, 1 December 2011 (UTC)

Minsc reference?[edit]

He is rather ugly. But I have a hunch there is more to this guy than meets the eye... Ive only been playing for about a week, but from the moment I first spoke to him, I knew his voice.. So I hired him and have used him ever since. Anyone else notice that, aside from voice, this guy is also quite similar in how he acts and some of his lines to Minsc from BG series? And before you say it, I am not just saying this because its the very same voice actor (which it clearly is- Jim Cummings is pretty amazing and does all sorts of video game roles) playing a tankish Nord who is about as close to a BG ranger as we have in Skyrim. But I really think its a bit of a nod to his old character, though. He is weird/crazy-looking, big & bald, he gets overly excited and boisterous about random things... And c'mon, he's an eccentric Nord sellsword with a four-legged familiar (which may be a stretch for Boo, but if they were going for sutble, it fits close enough for me)! If you arent convinced, keep him around as a companion for a while.. some of his lines about holding your gear, and about the great adventures you are on, are pretty reminiscent of classic Misnc lines. Hey, if nothing else; simply enjoy the fact that Jim Cummings is voicing characters with similar accents/backgrounds in your new game! MayaMayhem 21:40, 6 December 2011 (UTC)


Npc Spellswords are skilled in Heavy Armor, one handed, destruction and restoration. Belrand is a spellsword, yet skilled in light armor, but hes wearing Heavy. Is this a bug? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:57 on 10 January 2012 (GMT)

He has a unique class that is identical to Spellsword except it switches Heavy Armor for Light Armor. He is certainly messed up though. It's obvious he's meant to be use ice spells, but instead he doesn't have anything from destruction. --SushiSquid 11:58, 10 January 2012 (UTC)

Will not be a (HF) steward[edit]

Just a note; I took him to Heljarchen Hall to make him a steward there, but that option does not come up when I talk to him... (hmmm...?) Tockenen (talk) 00:06, 16 November 2012 (GMT)

He wont work for me too. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:24 on 13 February 2013‎
He doesn't have the option dialogue for being a Steward, it's definitly a mistake to say otherwise on the main page! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:28 on 25 February 2013
For me he became a Steward to join, but never offers the dialog when he becomes a steward and reverts back to being a hireling saying this is free of charge. (ps3) BlackOp (talk) 23:50, 3 March 2013 (GMT)

dialogue bannered mare[edit]

When in the bannered mare, with Saadia and Hulda, there will be a dialogue between the three. It goes something like this: Hulda (to Saadia): "Oh, here you are, I was wondering when I'd run into you, can you..." Belrand: "Hello ladies, if you're looking for a strong man to do some tasks for you, let me know." Hulda: "Oh I'll let you know when I see one." *chuckling* Saadia: *chuckling* Belrand: "<???>, every one of them."

— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:09 on 6 April 2014

I suspect one of those many mods that aim to add depth to NPCs as this train of dialogue doesn't seem to exist in the game. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 13:59, 7 April 2014 (GMT)
I've had it happen a lot. Usually happens when there are three NPC's with the FemaleNord, FemaleSultry and MaleNord voicetypes. Sometimes it doesn't even need the MaleNord NPC for it to trigger, lol. 12:49, 19 June 2014 (GMT)
lol is it this convo? It's vanilla generic dialogue, unique to the FemaleSultry, FemaleCommoner/EvenToned/Nord, and MaleNord voicetypes. Stumbled upon the data long ago while working on the Generic Dialogue sandbox, but I didn't hear it myself, so I thought it was impossible until now. —<({Quill-Tail>> 13:49, 19 June 2014 (GMT)
Not too often I miss something in the cslist. That certainly is the conversation described, though it's not limited to these three people. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 17:54, 19 June 2014 (GMT)

Belrand's comments[edit]

Belrand is one of the more talkative followers. Here are some of the comments he makes in case anyone is curious (from memory, so they might not be exact):

Outside a cave: "There's a cave. Animals or bandits inside, no doubt."

Inside a cave: "If a man can't feel at home in a freezing cave, he isn't truly a Nord." "When I was a boy, my friends and I used to play 'Seek the Wumpus' in caves much like this one." "I have to admit, I admire your courage. Most folk in Skyrim wouldn't go near a place like this."

Outside a Nordic ruin: "Look at that stonework. The ancients built this place to last."

Inside a Nordic ruin/draugr crypt: "It's strange to think that my own ancestors might be buried here." "When I die, I hope I don't end up as a shambling corpse." "We might find some gold in these ruins. But let's leave a few coins, out of respect for the dead."

In a wizard den: "Wizards. Why is it always wizards?"

In a bandit den: "Outlaws and brigands are the lowest of the low. They prey on their own countrymen for profit."

In a mine: "I almost have a mind to grab a pickaxe and start digging. You never know what you might find!"

Seeing something noteworthy: "By Ysmir, that's impressive!"

Trading items: "Do I get to keep it? Ha, just kidding!"

He's a pretty pleasant follower with a good attitude and he doesn't spam comments like Mjoll. And "Seek the Wumpus" cracks me up every time. 18:52, 13 November 2014 (GMT)