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Skyrim:Thongvor Silver-Blood

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Thongvor Silver-Blood
(RefID: 000198E3)
Home City Markarth
Location The Treasury House
Race Nord Gender Male
Level PC×1 (range=6-25) Class Warrior
RefID 000198E3 BaseID 000133BB
Other Information
Health 50+(PC-1)×11.7
Magicka 50
Stamina 50+(PC-1)×3.3
Primary Skills Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block
Class Details CombatWarrior1H
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Essential Yes
Voice Type MaleNord
Faction(s) CrimeFactionReach; Favor250QuestGiverFaction; MS02VictimsFaction; MarkarthTreasuryHouseFaction; NPCs the Player cannot marry; Sons of Skyrim Government; TownMarkarthFaction
Thongvor Silver-Blood

Thongvor Silver-Blood is a Nord warrior and a member of The Treasury House owned by the Silver-Blood clan; he is often seen roaming around Understone Keep in Markarth.

When first entering Understone Keep, Thongvor is seen arguing with Brother Verulus, demanding to see his deceased ancestors, but being denied entry to the Hall of the Dead due to unusual reasons, inevitably leading to him accusing Verulus of being an Imperial supporter. Upon talking to Thongvor, he quickly demands you to answer whether or not you are loyal to the Empire or supportive of the Stormcloak rebellion. Regardless of the answer, Thongvor will reveal that he is a strong Stormcloak supporter by telling you that the Imperials have no place being in Markarth and angrily exclaims that Jarl Igmund is a puppet to the Imperial government. He even explains that had it not been for Ulfric Stormcloak and his Thu'um, Markarth would have still been under the control of the Forsworn.

If the Stormcloaks take the Reach, Thongvor will replace Igmund as Jarl. When Markarth is under his control, unlike Jarl Igmund, who uses caution when dealing with the Forsworn, Thongvor reveals that his intention as Jarl is to violently suppress and enslave the rebelling dissidents by sending them to Cidhna Mine as reparation for the rebellion. If the Empire retakes the Reach later, Thongvor will spend the rest of the game at the Palace of the Kings in Windhelm.

Related Quests[edit]


When entering the Understone Keep for the first time, you will witness a heated argument between Thongvor and Brother Verulus:

Thongvor: "What are you hiding, priest?"
Verulus: "I'm not hiding anything. It's closed for a reason."
Thongvor: "Typical Imperial lies. First you take away Talos, now you're keeping us from seeing our honored dead? You and the Jarl will answer for any desecration of my ancestors' bodies."
Verulus: "That's enough, Thongvor. We're done."

After the conversation above, Thongvor will resume his normal schedule.

When approached, Thongvor will be very blunt, and simply ask you:

"You there. You another Imperial puppet? Answer me."
I support the Empire. What of it?
"What of it, he/she says. Your Empire is destroying everything Skyrim stands for. Honor. Pride. Mighty Talos."

He will then also add:

"You can tell Jarl Igmund that the Silver-Blood family won't tolerate his cowardice for much longer."
I'm no friend of the Imperials.
"Finally, someone with decent sense. The Empire is destroying everything Skyrim stands for. Honor. Pride. Mighty Talos."
I don't know what you're talking about.
"There's a war on and you don't know what I'm talking about? The Empire is destroying everything Skyrim stands for. Jarl Igmund can refuse to see me all he wants. The Silver-Blood family will be heard."

When greeting you, Thongvor will still share his previous sentiment with you:

"The Silver-Blood family will be heard."
"Jarl can refuse to see me all he likes. He can't ignore us forever."
"Markarth lives because my family makes sure it's fed on gold and silver."
Why should the Jarl listen to you?
"We own Cidhna Mine. Best prison in Skyrim, and source of half the wealth in this city. We keep the Reach safe. We flood Markarth with wealth, but does the Jarl listen to us when we want a say? No. He's busy forgetting that Ulfric Stormcloak saved this city from the Forsworn. Ulfric's a hero, not a damn criminal."
Ulfric saved Markarth? How?
"He used the Thu'um. Shouted those Forsworn from the walls. Then he led a band of Nord warriors in to take the city. Just like Talos himself at the Battle of Old Hroldan, reclaiming the Reach from those heathen natives."
You said something about Talos.
"That's a true Nord hero. A legend. So great that the Divines themselves lifted his soul into the heavens and made him a god."

If you are not a Dark Elf, Wood Elf, or High Elf, he will add:

"He founded the Empire, and now they've turned their back on him. To appease the Elves. Elves! Do the Elves rule Skyrim, or do the Nords?"

But if you are, he will instead say:

"He founded the Empire, and now they've turned their back on him. To appease your kind, Elf. Do your people rule Skyrim, or do the Nords?"
What's this about elves?
"They started the Great War. Nearly destroyed the Imperial City. Then the Emperor took the coward's way out and surrendered. Now the Elves dictate everything we do, and they don't want us acknowledging a "mere human" like Talos as the god he is." (If you are not an elf)
"Your kind started the Great War. Nearly destroyed the Imperial City. Then the Emperor took the coward's way out and surrendered. Now you people dictate everything we do. Don't want us acknowledging a "mere human" like Talos as the god he is." (If you are an elf)

When ending conversation, he might say:

"Stay out of trouble in my city."
"Stay clear of the Forsworn. Bloodthirsty savages."

During the quest No One Escapes Cidhna Mine, Thongvor will not play any role. Upon the completion of the quest, however, he might mention what has has transpired:

If you sided with the Forsworn, he will say:

"Damn those Forsworn. Think they can kill people in my city? I'll have Madanach's head!"

But if you sided with his family, he will instead say:

"My brother tells me you've done us a service. Thank you."

Should Thongvor become jarl, then he will receive some new dialogue as well.

For example, you can report the attack in the marketplace to him:

There was an attack in the marketplace.
"It's unfortunate that we live in such violent times, but there you have it. Now I've been told that the attacker claimed to be a Forsworn. It's nonsense. More likely he was just sick in the head. So don't concern yourself with it. Markarth is safe. You have my word."

You can also ask him about the ongoing war:

What's your position on the war?
"The Imperials were weak. They created this Forsworn problem, but now that we're in charge we'll solve it. Once the war is over, I'll petition Ulfric to send the militia and we'll cleanse the Reach of this menace. Then the Forsworn will be where they belong. In the mines, bringing us wealth."
The Empire created the Forsworn? How?
"Through neglect. During the Great War, they let the unwashed natives retake the Reach and declare their own sovereignty. The Stormcloaks were forced to retake the Reach on our own, but that taste of independence emboldened them. And the Forsworn were born. In the end, we took back Markarth, but those damn Forsworn still stalk the hills and roads, looking for revenge."
Is Markarth prepared to deal with dragons?
"The stone structure the Dwarves have left makes us invincible. Let the dragons singe a few carpets. They'll never topple Markarth."


Thongvor was meant to speak with his old friend and smith, Moth gro-Bagol, but won't due to several bugs:

Thongvor: "How's the forge today?"
Moth: "It's fine. Much better than the rickety tools I had in the Legion."
Thongvor: "Remember that old rusty sword I had? Damn thing must have had over a hundred chips in it."
Moth: "Well, if you had learned to swing it correctly. A sword is an extension of the arm, not a meat cleaver."
Thongvor: "I was about to say how impressed I was that you always managed to put it back together."
Moth: "Flattery doesn't suit you, Thongvor."
Moth: "Hello, my friend. Come to visit the forge?"
Thongvor: "I grow tired of counting coin all day. Put steel in my hand, not gold."
Moth: "Your family's success burdens you, does it?"
Thongvor: "Sometimes I miss the Legion, back when the Empire stood up for Skyrim."
Moth: "No politics, Thongvor. I told you before."

Once he becomes jarl, he will be engaged in conversation far more often, mostly with his court: steward Reburrus Quintilius and housecarl Yngvar the Singer:

"Are we winning or aren't we?"
Thongvor: "I want word on our campaign against the Imperials."
Reburrus: "I have a few very detailed missives from border patrols, beginning with Fifth Irregulars' reports on the movements of...."
Yngvar: "Oh, Talos's breath, Reberrus [sic]. Skip ahead to the good part."
Reburrus: "Oh, right. Oh, well, things are going well enough. At least, as well as we can hope."
Thongvor: "What does that mean Reberrus [sic]? Are we winning or aren't we?"
Reburrus: "I, uh, I can't tell Thongvor. It's anyone's guess."
Thongvor: "I see. Well, let's continue this discussion later then."
Thongvor: "How goes the trade in and out of the city?"
Reburrus: "Very well, Thongvor. With the Stormcloaks here to help, the Silver-Blood family control nearly every route in and out of the city."
Yngvar: "Except the ones attacked by Forsworn."
Reburrus: "Well yes, of course you had to go and mention that."
Thongvor: "The Forsworn aren't our real concern, defeating the Imperials and making sure we keep control of this city is."
Reburrus: "Yes, Thongvor."
Thongvor: "Reburrus, I need you to draft a letter to Ulfric requesting more men."
Yngvar: "Ha! About time we got some more muscle in this city."
Reburrus: "Thongvor, do you really think that's wise? I mean, King Ulfric is such a busy man, and there are so many areas of Skyrim to protect."
Thongvor: "Whose side are you on, Reburrus? I'm not worried about Skyrim, I'm worried about the Reach. Specifically, the part of the Reach we're standing on."
Reburrus: "Yes, Thongvor. I'll draft the letter immediately."

Reburrus will also bring some problematic reports about the family businesses to Thongvor's attention:

Reburrus: "Thongvor, I have the latest reports from Cidhna Mine and the smelter. We should go over them immediately."
Thongvor: "Reburrus, there is a war being fought across all of Skyrim, and you bother me with the usual mundane reports about silver?"
Reburrus: "Look at these figures, Thongvor! Ore yield is down by half, and the amount of silver bars being smelted is slipping even more than that."
Thongvor: "Oh, very well. I'll send my brother. He'll straighten this out."
Reburrus: "Very good, Thongvor. It relieves me to hear you say that."

Thongvor, meanwhile, will ask Reburrus to divert forces in order to hunt down dragons:

Thongvor: "I want soldiers sent to deal with these dragons. Every able-bodied man and woman who can carry a bow."
Reburrus: "We can't do that. Every soldier we send to hunt dragons is one more man that can't defend the Reach."
Thongvor: "Killing dragons isn't defending the Reach?"
Reburrus: "Our men know how to kill Forsworn and Legionnaires, not dragons."

Civil War Conversations[edit]

Originally, when the Civil War was more freeform, you were also meant to encounter a scene between Thongvor, Galmar Stone-Fist and Igmund if you helped take the city for the Stormcloaks, similar to how one plays between jarl Balgruuf and Vignar Gray-Mane in the final game.

Thongvor: "Ready to listen to the Silver-Blood family now, Igmund?"
Igmund: "Thongvor. I should have executed your whole treacherous clan when I had the chance."
Thongvor: "Don't worry. We'll take good care of your city when you're gone. When Ulfric Stormcloak becomes High King, Skyrim will finally be the way my ancestors intended. It's a new day in Markarth."
Galmar: "Are you two quite done? You, go pack your things. And you, go sit on that damn chair and start acting like a Jarl."
Thongvor: "Come Galmar, we have much to do."
Igmund: "The Empire will return. Count on it."

Retaking the city would've also been an option, and this would result in a scene playing out with Yngvar and Thongvor in the throne room. This scene is exactly the same as when re-taking Riften for the Stormcloaks, with the speakers there being Maul and Maven Black-Briar:

Yngvar: "Halt in the name of the Jarl!"
Thongvor: "Somehow I doubt that will persuade them."
Yngvar: "Stay back, lord!"
Thongvor: "If they want my city, they're going to have to take it from me personally."
Yngvar: "Protect the Jarl with your lives!"

Once the ensuing battle had ended, this exchange would play (Again, this is the same dialogue that would play if you were taking the city of Riften back for the Stormcloaks under the same circumstances):

Igmund: "Ahhh... It's good to be home."
Thongvor: "Welcome back. I've left a few surprises for you to discover."
Igmund: "How kind of you. And I've brought an army to give you a going away parade."
Rikke: "If you two are finished with the touching homecoming, there's a city in chaos out there."
Igmund: "Indeed. Come, there is much to be done."


  • Bad scripting in his AI packages causes Thongvor to spend all his time in Understone Keep, instead of taking meals, sleeping in the Treasury House and visiting Ghorza gra-Bagol.
  • He is set to visit Ghorza, even though he only has conversations available for her brother, Moth, who he never meets.
    • PC Only The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 1.2.7, addresses this issue. He now visits Moth instead of Ghorza, and his relationship tab now also lists Moth as his confidant, rather than Ghorza.
  • When discussing his hatred of elves due to the White-Gold Concordat, Thongvor will not refer to you as an elf if you are an elven vampire. ?