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Skyrim:Hall of Valor

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Hall of Valor
# of Zones 1
Respawn Time 10 days
Console Location Code(s)
The Hall of Valor

The Hall of Valor is a massive stone mead hall in Sovngarde where dead Nord heroes are rewarded by Shor with an eternity of revelry.

Roasted oxen

It is the gathering place of the heroes who plot to defeat Alduin and end his reign of terror. It can only be entered after defeating Tsun, the shield-thane of Shor, in a duel.


Honored Souls
Felldir the Old
Gormlaith Golden-Hilt
Hakon One-Eye
Jurgen Windcaller
Olaf One-Eye
Ulfgar the Unending

In addition to these famous heroes, the honored souls of Heroes of Sovngarde whose names have been lost to time also walk the Hall of Valor.

Related Quests[edit]



The exterior of the huge mead hall is Sovngarde. The whalebone bridge leading to the hall is guarded by Tsun. You must battle him to prove your worth and be allowed to proceed across the bridge. On the far side, a paved terrace features two curved flights of stairs ascending to a row of four doors that all lead into the hall.

Hall of Valor[edit]

East Feasting Wing
Central Feasting Area
West Sparring Wing

Although the interior of the Hall consists of only one zone, it can be visually divided into three areas. The entrance leads into the central area, with huge chambers to the west and east. Throughout the hall are many Heroes of Sovngarde, as well as several important people from Skyrim's history. When you first enter, Ysgramor will approach and greet you, stating that three heroes have awaited your arrival to aid you in the battle with Alduin. These are the three you saw defeat Alduin in a vision from the past when using the Elder Scroll: Felldir the Old, Gormlaith Golden-Hilt, and Hakon One-Eye.

The central area is mainly for feasting. A huge raised fire pit is in the middle of the area, with two whole oxen turning on a spit. A long table is on the south side of the fire pit near the entrance, while another is on the north side on a raised section in front of Shor's empty throne. Both tables are laid with golden plates, platters, and goblets; the food and drink found on these tables and elsewhere in the hall is listed below. Many small empty barrels and three large mead kegs line the walls. Heroes come here to feast and enjoy the music of the Hero Bard, who mainly plays the lute and flute.

The west wing is a vast bare chamber reserved for sparring matches. Heroes who belong to the Sovngarde Sparring Faction come here to quench their thirst for battle, uncertain why Shor has forbidden engaging Alduin in combat. Raised sections along the north and south walls with tables and rows of benches allow spectators to watch the matches. Stairs to the west allow access to the raised sections, and two large mead kegs are against the west wall.

The east wing is also for feasting, with large mead kegs against the walls and two small tables and a horseshoe of longer tables in the middle. All of the tables are laid with more golden crockery. Heroes come here to feast and enjoy the music of the Hero Drummer, who prefers this hall for his performances.

Food and Drink

‡ Only available in this location. Categorized as miscellaneous items rather than food.
† (see bugs)


  • If you attempt to cross the bridge to the hall without dueling Tsun, you will be killed by lightning strikes on the bridge, even in god mode. You will also automatically die if you fall into the chasm beneath the bridge, though not in god mode.
  • Inside the hall, you are unable to sneak, wait, or draw or equip your weapon. (Unless you use coc Sovngarde01 to teleport there, since the effect is triggered by interacting with the door.)
  • Inside the hall, none of the golden crockery can be taken.
  • After slaying Alduin, the hall will be locked, and you cannot reenter.


  • You may not be able to interact with one of the bottles of wine and a sweet roll on a bench. ?
  • One named hero may be missing from the hall; this missing hero will be different upon each entry. (You must reload a previous save to enter the hall again.) ?