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Skyrim:Fort Frostmoth

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Military Fort:
Fort Frostmoth
(view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 1
Clearable Yes
Dungeon Yes
Respawn Time 10 days or 30 days
Level Min: 20
Albino Spiders, Ash Spawn, General Falx Carius
Important Treasure
Champion's Cudgel
Console Location Code(s)
DLC2FortFrostmoth01, DLC2FortFrostmothExterior01, DLC2FortFrostmothExterior02, DLC2FortFrostmothExterior03, DLC2FortFrostmothExterior04
South of Highpoint Tower
Northeast of Hrodulf's House
Special Features
# of Ruby Geodes 3
# of Heart Stone Deposits 2
Fort Frostmoth

Fort Frostmoth is a small fort south of Highpoint Tower and northeast of Hrodulf's House occupied by ash spawn and General Falx Carius.

For historical information on Fort Frostmoth, see the lore article and History of Raven Rock, Vol. I.

Related Quests[edit]



A small dock patrolled by an ash spawn is south of the fort, with a submerged broken boat holding three mead barrels. Two flights of stairs ascend to the north. At the top of the second flight, to the east is a tower, and to the west is another flight of stairs. The tower is guarded by an ash spawn, and contains a knapsack and a lootable skeleton among the ash at the bottom of a few stairs.

The third flight of stairs ascends to the outer wall of the fort, with an archway in the wall to the north. Passing through the archway into the courtyard will cause two ash spawn to rise from the middle of the courtyard, and you will hear General Falx Carius alert the guards to your presence. A third ash spawn patrols the wall above you, and a fourth ash spawn is on the roof of the northeast tower. You can climb the spiral staircase in the tower to reach the roof, but it contains nothing of interest.

The courtyard has a thick covering of ash, in which a pair of empty stables and several archery targets and sparring dummies are partly buried. To the west is a building with two towers and an unlocked door in the middle. To the north is another building with a single tower to the right and a key-locked door to the left.

Fort Frostmoth[edit]

The unlocked door leads into an entry area, with a small room to the north and a short north-south corridor to the west. As you move west, an ash spawn will rise in front of you in the corridor. The room contains a table and two chairs, one mostly buried in ash and unusable, and two random potions of healing, magicka, or stamina on the floor near the table. Past the room and to the north in the corridor, a broken wall to the west allows access to another room. Near the northwest corner of the room is a usable bed. Near the southwest corner is one of three partly buried unusable beds, with a horse hide, a knapsack, and an adept-locked chest among the ash around the bed. Along the east wall is a deer pelt, a sideboard holding a pair of leather boots and a drum, and a food barrel. In the southeast corner is a door which opens to the previous corridor, with an ash spawn just outside the door.

Opposite the door and just south of the entrance is a storage alcove. Along the north wall of the alcove is a row of six weapon racks, with an iron greatsword in one of the racks and a steel sword on the floor. Along the east wall is a set of shelves holding three imperial helmets, two pairs of imperial bracers, two pairs of imperial light bracers, two pairs of imperial boots, and two pairs of imperial light boots. To the right of the shelves is another set of shelves holding an imperial armor cuirass, an imperial helmet, an iron mace, and an iron dagger. Along the south wall is a third set of shelves holding a troll skull, three books, three leather strips, and an East Empire Company strongbox. To the right of the shelves is a food barrel.

To the south is a doorway to a circular room with a wooden ramp ascending to a ladder and a trapdoor exit in the ceiling. Next to the ladder is a small round table holding a leveled bow and a quiver of arrows. Along the east wall are two sacks, two pieces of firewood, a bench, a banded iron armor cuirass on the floor in front of the bench, and a set of shelves holding two random potions and a deer pelt. Beneath the ramp is another piece of firewood. Along the west wall is a straw bale with a sack on top, a sample of wheat on the floor, a bench, and a set of shelves holding four books.

Exiting through the trapdoor leads to the roof of the building's south tower, with an empty wooden platform nearby and two ash spawn on guard. A stone bridge crosses to the north tower, where another wooden platform holds a chest. It is possible to use the Whirlwind Sprint shout from the roof of the north tower to reach the roof of the other building to the northeast, and from there climb onto the roof of that building's tower. On the tower roof is an empty wooden platform, a trapdoor, and a leveled heavy armor helmet and a random enchanted cuirass next to the trapdoor. The trapdoor serves as a shortcut to the final confrontation with General Carius.

Returning to the first corridor inside the west building's unlocked entrance, a flight of stairs to the north descends to a room with a master-locked cell door ahead and two ash spawn to the right. In the southwest corner is an iron battleaxe and a quiver of arrows. Along the west wall is a doorway blocked by cobwebs. In the northwest corner is a patch of Namira's rot fungus. To the right of the locked door are two sacks and a fish barrel. Around a corner to the northeast are three more sacks and a crate, with a caved-in alcove to the left containing A Letter to Selina IV, the lootable skeleton of Maximian Axius, and a knapsack containing his three previous letters A Letter to Selina I, II, and III. Along the east wall is a key-locked door. In the northeast corner are six pieces of firewood that have fallen out of an overturned cart. Along the north wall is a partly collapsed tunnel leading down.

Beyond the webbed doorway to the west is another partly collapsed tunnel leading down. At the bottom are several unusual spiders. When killed, any that aren't albino are destroyed. The bodies of the albino spiders can be looted for albino spider pods and damaged albino spider pods, which can be used to create spider scrolls in White Ridge Barrow. At the bottom of the tunnel is a cavern containing six albino spider eggs which can be looted for both types of pods. In the southeast corner is a heart stone deposit and a ruby geode. In the southwest corner, a lower partly flooded path runs along the west wall, with a second heart stone deposit and a second ruby geode on the wall. To the north is a short dead-end tunnel containing two more albino spider eggs, with a third ruby geode east of the tunnel entrance.

Returning to the previous room, beyond the master-locked door to the north is a storeroom featuring two sets of shelves on either side of a barrel containing eight portions of moon sugar. The shelves hold eight bottles of ale, five bottles of Cyrodilic brandy, six bottles of Nord mead, eight eidar cheese wheels, two bottles of spiced wine, and five bottles of alto wine. To the right of the shelves is a boss-level chest. In the northeast corner are two mead barrels.

Returning again to the previous room, the tunnel descending to the north leads to a corridor lined with two rows of coffins, five of which can be looted for bone meal, bones, low-quality clothing, or a few coins. A pair of iron gauntlets is next to the lower coffin on the right. At the end of the corridor is an east-west corridor lined with more coffins, with an ash spawn to the west. Along the north wall opposite the first corridor is an unlootable coffin with two random potions of healing, magicka, or stamina on top. To the east, the six coffins on either side are all lootable. An iron ingot and a leather strip are next to the bottom coffin on the left, and a pickaxe is next to the bottom coffin on the right. Past the coffins is a cave-in.

To the west, the six coffins on either side are all lootable. An apothecary's satchel, a bowl of glow dust, and a sprig of snowberries are next to the upper coffins on the right. Past the coffins is a doorway to a large room lined with twelve coffins, nine of which are lootable, with two more lootable coffins stacked in the middle. A pearl in a metal bowl and three iron daggers are next to the middle lower coffin along the south wall. A random potion and a leveled one-handed enchanted sword are in a fallen open coffin along the west wall, with a chest behind the coffin. A bottle of Nord mead in a metal bowl and a sample of wheat are next to the left upper coffin along the north wall. An apothecary's satchel and Ildari's journal are on top of the two stacked coffins in the middle of the room, with a knapsack containing the Fort Frostmoth key and other loot next to the coffins.

Returning once again to the previous room, the door to the east requires the key from the knapsack. Beyond the door, a long flight of stairs ascends to a room with a damaged stone pillar surrounded by wooden supports. Behind the pillar to the left is General Carius, who wields the unique Champion's Cudgel. Attacking him will cause three ash spawn to rise around the room. Along the west wall is a cupboard holding nine books and a troll skull. In the northwest corner is a potion of plentiful healing on a partly buried table. In the northeast corner are two bulbs of garlic on the floor and a garlic braid hanging from a rack. Along the east wall is a large doorway to a circular room containing three usable chairs, a small table in the middle holding a rare knife weapon, a cupboard along the east wall, a boss-level chest to the southeast, and a ladder and a trapdoor exit in the ceiling along the south wall. The cupboard holds a set of small antlers, seven books, a random potion of magicka, and a random potion of healing, magicka, or stamina. Along the south wall in the previous room is a key-locked door. Exiting through the trapdoor leads to the roof of the north building's tower. Exiting through the key-locked door leads to the courtyard.
