Imperial City

Online:Lady Malygda

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This article is about the boss. For the armor set, see Lady Malygda (set).

Lady Malygda
Location Imperial City Arboretum
Species Spider Daedra
Health 2,527,422 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Daedra Husk, Poison Solvents, Tel Var Stones, Lady Malygda head gear
Lead: Malacath's Brutal Rune Core, Lead: Carved Signet Base, Lead: Jeweled Skull of Ayleid Kings, Lead: Moth Priest's Cleansing Bowl, Lead: The Heartland
Lady Malygda

Lady Malygda is a spider daedra Patrolling Horror found in the Arboretum District of the Imperial City. She appears to spawn on the junction at the southeast part of the circular road, on the opposite side from the flag.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Poison Spit
Basic ranged attack dealing moderate poison damage.
Lightning Wave
Lady Malygda raises her hands, sending out six lightning storms outward from her position, as indicated by small red circular AoEs, dealing moderate lightning damage. After reaching a far enough distance, the lightning storms make their way back towards her.
Lightning Bolt
Lady Malygda summons a large lightning bolt from the sky, striking in front of her, as indicated by a large red growing circle AoE, dealing high lightning damage.
Coccoon Rush
Lady Malygda slings webbing at you, trapping you in a coccoon, before rushing at you to land a powerful blow dealing massive physical damage. You can break free and dodge out of her way.
Summon Spiderlings
Lady Malygda summons three spiderlings to aid in combat. They have low health and can be killed quickly.


"Amusing sweetmeats! So soft! So full of life!"
"Feast, my children! Feast upon its succulent flesh!"


There are a few Achievements associated with this creature.

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Horror of Horrors (desktop).png Horror of Horrors 15 Defeat all the Patrolling Horrors in the Imperial City.
ON-icon-achievement-Horror of Horrors (desktop).png Mayhem Horror 15 Defeat all the Patrolling Horrors in the Imperial City during Whitestrake's Mayhem.