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Location Random Encounter in Murkmire
Race High Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Anwelore is a High Elf tourist in Murkmire who decided to take a toured trip with Xamarz. However, the tour has not gone as planned, what with Anwelore's—some would say—unreasonable expectations. You can find the two of them arguing while traveling in Murkmire.


As you approach, you will overhear Anwelore and Xamarz argue:

Anwelore: "This is not what I paid for. There were bugs in my linens this morning. Bugs!" or "I was told that this was the tour of the wondrous mysteries of Murkmire. Not a trek through some desolate swamp!"
Xamarz: "What, did my lady not realize that Murkmire was a swamp? What else could you possibly expect?" or "We are touring Black Marsh, my lady. Black. Marsh! How could you not expect such things?"

You can then ask her for her side of the story:

"I simply cannot believe this lizard swindled me like this. I was promised a wondrous tour! Wondrous! And so far all I've gotten is bugs in my hair and my shoes drenched in swamp water."
And how were you swindled?
"How was I—what do you mean, how was I swindled? I already told you.
I'm expected to pay for bug filled linens and treks through the swamp? I was told that I would be exposed to the beauty and mysteries of Murkmire! And that was not delivered."
Were you ever told the specifics of your accommodations?
"Well, no. But it's common sense that I should be offered these things. Why, they laughed in my face when I asked for a carriage!
I'm not satisfied, and I'm not paying. And that's that."
[Intimidate] Very well then. I suppose you'll just be left in this swamp then. All alone ….
"What? You really think she would do that? What am I saying, of course she would! She's a lizard after all.
Oh, very well. I'll pay."
I see what you mean. (Ends conversation).

If you decided to intimidate her then the following conversation will happen.

Anwelore: "Get me back to Lilmoth before something devours me and the gold is yours."
Xamarz: "Very well, my lady. I'll get you back to Lilmoth … after you've paid me half what you promised."

Anwelore cannot wait to go back home, as is evident when speaking to her once more.

"This lizard might as well be holding me for ransom. No matter. Once I'm back in Lilmoth, I'm boarding the first ship to Summerset!"

However, in the case that you convinced Xamarz to just take her back to Lilmoth then the following will happen.

Xamarz: "Very well. I will take you back to Lilmoth … without any payment."
Anwelore: "Very good. I hope you never put anyone else through this torture. Who pays good gold to wander through the muck?"

Anwelore will be pleased with this result, when speaking with her again.

"Finally, some justice has prevailed in this dreadful place. If I gave that lizard even one gold piece, it would be one too many!"