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Ka Po' Tun[edit]

Ka Po' Tun (meaning Tiger-Dragon's Empire), originally called Po Tun, is a nation of Akavir. It is inhabited by a race of cat-folk also called the Ka Po' Tun. They are ruled by Tosh Raka, the divine Tiger-Dragon who bears similarities to Akatosh. Ka Po' Tun has become a very great empire, stronger than Tsaesci in all but naval battle. When the Tsaesci attempted to enslave the dragons, the black dragons fled to Po' Tun. A great war was waged, which left both the cat-folk and the snakes weak, and resulted in the death of the dragons. Since that time, the cat-folk have tried to become the dragons. Tosh Raka was the first to succeed, and renamed the nation to Ka Po' Tun. Ka Po' Tun plans to kill the Tsaesci and then invade Tamriel.


Kagrenzel (translated as "Music City" in Dwemeris) is a small dwarven ruin found in the Velothi Mountains in the province of Skyrim. It is found in the region of Eastmarch. Kagrenzel was a holdout shrouded in mystery, a "death trap" reminiscent of Yokudan tombs; the journal of a seeker after a Dwemer artifact opined that Kagrenzel's "entire purpose is to kill those who would search it." A vast pitfall leads into a giant chasm, which flows into Stony Creek Cave. At one point, the stronghold contained the left side of the Wrathstone.


Kairou is a region on the western coast of Hammerfell, in the Iliac Bay region. It is bordered by Pothago to the north, Myrkwasa and the Alik'r Desert to the east, and Abibon-Gora to the south. Its main city is the city of Kairou.

On the 20th of Evening Star, Kairou celebrates a special event called Chil'a. It is the blessing of the new year in the region and is both a sacred day and a festival. The archpriest and the baroness each consecrate the ashes of the old year in a solemn ceremony, then street parades, balls, and tournaments conclude the event.

The regional deity of Kairou is Zenithar, and the dominant vampire bloodline of the region is the Selenu. After the Warp in the West, Kairou became a part of the kingdom of Sentinel.


Kamal (meaning Snow Hell) is a nation in northern Akavir. It is inhabited by armies of snow demons (also known as Kamal), who thaw out every summer and attempt to invade Tang Mo, but are always successfully repelled by the monkey-folk. Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal, a king among the demons, once invaded Tamriel, but was defeated circa 2E 572, when Vivec, warrior-poet god of the Dunmer, flooded the entirety of Morrowind, successfully drowning the invasion.

Kamal is known to be icy and snow-covered, with deep snows and northern forests.


Kambria was a Third Era march in central High Rock located in the Iliac Bay region. It shared borders with the Wrothgarian Mountains to the north, Koegria to the east, Bhoriane to the south, and Dwynnen to the west. The provincial seat was the city of Kambria. The province rose from lowlands in the south to a windswept plateau in the north, where towns were situated in valleys for shelter. The tops of the hills in the area were once covered with forts, but these were demolished by Tiber Septim in order to reduce potential points of resistance. The regional deity was Zenithar, and the dominant vampire bloodline in the region was Vraseth.

The ruler of Kambria was allied with the Baron of Dwynnen during the war against the Camoran Usurper and helped turn the tide of the war against the Usurper. The city of Kambria is known to possess several libraries, and has been described as picturesque.


Kanesh is a large island in the Yokudan archipelago, between the Azurian Sea and the Sea of Pearls, and the closest of the group to Tamriel. Located due east of Akos Kasaz, it is a harsh volcanic island. To its south are the islands of Irranhu and Samara.

In the late Second Era, there was a settlement named Lumut on the east side of the island.


Kardesh is a small island in the southwest of the Yokudan archipelago, between the Azurian Sea and the Sea of Pearls. There is an isle just off the eastern coast that may be considered a separate entity. The closest major island is Yath to the east.

Karndar Watch[edit]

Karndar Watch (or Kardnar Watch) is an ancient village located in the Diren Valley region of Summerset, within the province of the Summerset Isles. Karndar Watch is a small but historic settlement, as it is the origin of the Laws of Karndar Watch, created in ME 1180. The laws are ancient and very comparable to the ones established by the Dwemer in the northeast.

By the year 2E 582, Karndar Watch had become a derelict ruined settlement. Though one of the main roads on the island led up to it, it received little contact from the populace outside of worshipers who'd set up shrines at the ruins and the occasional traveling merchant. The grounds were overrun by imps and an indrik inhabited the area. The settlement was still marked on maps during the Tiber War, but it is unknown if it was re-inhabited by that time.

By the Imperial Simulacrum in the late Third Era, Karndar Watch was once again an active settlement, being ruled by Lady Zenosara. It had a rivalry with Silsailen Point. It was neighbored by several settlements, one of them being Cloudrest in the west, and was located across the sea from Belport Run.


Karnwasten is a large natural cove on the northern face of Eton Nir, the largest mountain in the province of the Summerset Isles. For the longest time, this hidden port has served as a central hub for smuggling on the archipelago's main island. Many foreign ships come here since so few items from the mainland are allowed and nobles across the province pay good money for it. By the late Second Era, there was a settlement present in the area of the same name. By the late Third Era, it was known as Karnwasten Moor, but previously it was called Karnstern Moor.

Castle Karstaag[edit]

Castle Karstaag was a massive fortress of ice, located in the northwestern region of Solstheim near the Moesring Mountains. The village of the Skaal lies to the east over the Isild River. Besides the front door, the castle may also be accessed by an underwater entrance. It used to be the home of the mythical frost giant Karstaag, as well as his Riekling servants and many Grahl.


Karthald is a historical hold in Skyrim that existed during the Interregnum. It was established as a defensive border against the Reach after being carved from its northern territory of the upper Karth Valley named Reachwater Pass, along with parts of the Karth River Forest. The Reach was at the time an independent Reachman kingdom ruled by the Ard Caddach. Karthald was established in 2E 577 by the kingdom of Western Skyrim, although Nordic clans had inhabited the land for generations alongside the Reachfolk. The fortified village of Karthwatch was established in as the new hold's capital. Karthald's borders also encompassed the Orc stronghold of Mor Khazgur, though the Orcs were keen to insist that Mor Khazgur was a sovereign outpost of Wrothgar. While the roads of Karthald were safe enough for travelers, Karthwatch was a spartan settlement with little hospitality to offer.

Karthald ceased to exist as a separate hold after the destruction of Karthwatch at the hands of the Icereach Coven circa 2E 582. In retaliation for the prior massacre of a local Reachfolk clan by the Nords and the alleged kidnapping of the crucial clan heir, Bjora, they launched an assault. The Reachmen created a Harrowstorm above the town in order to drain the life energy of its inhabitants, using their souls to fill ancient reliquaries containing the mortal remains of members of the Gray Host. Many of the residents of Karthwatch were transformed into vampiric monstrosities known as Harrowfiends, including Jarl Olfwenn herself. Others were taken hostage by the witches, although a rescue was mounted by the town's survivors. The sole survivor of the jarl's court was the court wizard, Magister Fridelja, who went on to represent the hold politically in the turmoil that followed. She and the other survivors sought refuge in Solitude. However, the rest of the hold was similarly laid to waste, its people left dead or scattered. With the Nords driven out and the hold's capital destroyed, Karthald was no more, allowing the territory to be reclaimed by the Reach.

In 2E 852, the Reach was conquered by Tiber Septim and annexed by Skyrim as a Nord hold. By the Fourth Era, no traces of Karthald's time as a hold remained, and a ruined fortress called Broken Tower Redoubt sat on the approximate site of Karthwatch.


Karthmad is a mountain in the Reach that stands at the head of the valley of the Karth River. It is better known as the site of the city of Markarth, or Nchuand-Zel as it was called by its original builders, the Dwemer. The stronghold of Nchuand-Zel was carved by the Dwemer into the subterranean heart of Karthmad and then expanded upwards until its structures penetrated above the surface.

Karth River[edit]

The Karth River is a large and important river that starts in the Reach and empties into the Sea of Ghosts near the port-city of Solitude. The Karth is well known for its violent rapids and the dangerous terrain, such as jutted sharp stones and the crashing torrents on the river valley. But despite this, the Karth River provides a wealth of resource and life to the local people, whether they are Reachfolk or Nords of Karth. The people who live also understand that the Karth River can take as much as it gives. The river has been known to sweep people away and destroy everything from food stores to entire camps. The Karth demands respect above all else.

The river is known to contain a rare and shimmering rock called the Bright River-Shale which is used by the Reachfolk in a ritual to commune with the Spirits of the Reach. The river's water is sacred to many Reachfolk clans, who believe it possesses magical and cleansing properties.

Karth River Forest[edit]

Karth River Forest is a pine forest region in the southern area of Haafingar, in the province of Skyrim. It is one of the three regions of the Hold, surrounded primarily by the Haafingar Mountains, and a small part meets the Giant's Coast north of Solitude. It also makes up the northwest corner of Hjaalmarch, where it borders the Tundra Plain to the south, Hailstone Valley to the east, and Drajkmyr Marsh to the northeast.


Karthspire is a tall mountain found in the Reach, within the province of Skyrim. It is located in the middle of the entire region, and the Karth River flows around it. There is an unnamed cave inside the mountain that eventually scales upward into Sky Haven Temple, an old Akaviri compound that was used by Reman I's personal bodyguards, the Dragonguard. Karthspire Lea is the name of the valley south of the mountain's base, where the main road is located. Spirits such as spriggans and faeries are known to roam the river banks around Karthspire.

Karththor Dale[edit]

Karththor Dale (also named Omaynis) is a settlement in the western region of Morrowind, in the ashlands near the Valus Mountains and under the jurisdiction of the Great House Hlaalu.


Karthwasten (also called Karthwasten Hall) is a long-standing settlement located in the Reach near the banks of the Karth River, from which it gets its name.

Control of the settlement has changed hands between Nords and Reachmen multiple times, usually due to violent conflict. The town was built around the ancient Sanuarach mine, which the Nords prized greatly for its silver. The Reachmen of the Karth, by contrast, traditionally held that mining was an affront to nature, and so would often ignore or even destroy the mine during their tenure.

Eventually, the fighting between the two factions would die down. By the Fourth Era, Karthwasten was known as a mining town with a mixed population. Despite being owned by a Reachman at this time, the town not only mined the Sanuarach, but the newer Fenn's Gulch Mine near the settlement as well.


Karthwatch was a fortified Nordic town and the capital of Karthald, a historical hold in Skyrim that existed during the Interregnum.Karthwatch was established to defend the border against the Reach after Karthald was carved from its northern territory. The Reach was at the time an independent Reachman kingdom ruled by the Despot of Markarth. Karthald was established in 2E 577 by the kingdom of Western Skyrim, although Nordic clans had inhabited the land for generations. The location for Karthwatch was decided due to its proximity to the ancient Nordic ruins of Bleakridge Barrow, which was thought would make a good defensible position in the event of a Reachman invasion. Karthwatch was considered a spartan settlement with little hospitality to offer for travelers. The banner of Karthwatch featured a stylized tower symbol on a steel blue background.

Karthwatch was destroyed circa 2E 582 by the Icereach Coven and their Reachman allies. The Reachmen created a Harrowstorm above the town in order to drain the life energy of its inhabitants, using their souls to fill ancient reliquaries containing the mortal remains of members of the Gray Host. Many of the residents of Karthwatch were transformed into vampiric monstrosities known as Harrowfiends, including Jarl Olfwenn herself. Others were taken hostage by the witches, although a rescue was mounted by the town's survivors. The sole survivor of the jarl's court was the court wizard, Magister Fridelja, who went on to represent the hold politically in the turmoil that followed.

She and the other survivors sought refuge in Solitude. However, the rest of the hold was similarly laid to waste, its people left dead or scattered. With the Nords driven out and the hold's capital destroyed, Karthald was no more, allowing the territory to be reclaimed by the Reach. The settlement would eventually transform into the city of Snowhawk by the Third Era, with its location on the plateau later becoming the site of a fort.

By the Fourth Era, a ruined fortress called Broken Tower Redoubt sat on the approximate site of Karthwatch. In 4E 201, the Sibyl of Markarth had passed away, and a new one was needed for the House of Dibella in the city. The priesthood had discovered the young girl, Fjotra in Karthwasten, but a group of Reachmen known as the Forsworn had taken her to Broken Tower Redoubt, where a shrine to Dibella was located. From there, the young girl was freed by someone sent by the Temple of Dibella, and taken back to Markarth, where she would serve as the Dibellan Sybil of Markarth.

Keel-Sakka River[edit]

The Keel-Sakka River runs through the Black Marsh region of Murkmire. The Argonian tribe known as the Tum-Taleel, or Root-House people, controls a bridge over the river, and demands tribute from anyone who attempts to cross it.


Kemel-Ze (translated as "Cliff City" from Dwemeris) is a Dwarven ruin found along the Inner Sea in the coastlines of the Fungal Lowlands. The village of Marog is found nearby.

In the first era, before the Tribunal ascended to godliness, King Nerevar brokered an alliance with the Dwarves. Dumac Dwarfking gifted Sotha Sil a wing of Kemel-Ze as a sign of that alliance. Sotha Sil used this facility to do preliminary work on the Clockwork City. There he studied the flora and fauna of Nirn to learn how to replicate their functions with metal and energy. He built an early factotum, he named Protus.

He used Mnemonic Fragments to store some of his memories. He sought to use the memories to create an artificial animus. But all he was able to achieve was the appearance of a fully developed soul,a convincing lie—artificial projection of himself.

In this laboratory, he also created the Clockwork Probabilis to manipulate the Intrinsic forces that govern events on Nirn. Some of those forces are constant—like the force which compels objects to fall to the ground—while others defy prediction and categorization. The Clockwork Probabilis is a prototype, a precursor to the Throne Aligned, one of Sotha Sil great work.

It was abandoned in 1E 700 when its original Dwemer inhabitants mysteriously disappeared. When he moved to the Clockwork City, Sotha Sil put Protus in charge of overseeing the laboratory and his creations.

A human Marukhati named Xal visited the ruin in the Third Era.


Kemen was an Ayleid settlement located in the foothills of the Valus Mountains in Cyrodiil. Its ruins can be found at the end of the Blue Road, east of the city of Cheydinhal. The lower level of Kemen was known as the Varlasel, or "Hall of Stars" in Ayleidoon.


Kevalla is a small island in the Eltheric Ocean. It is located northeast of Akos Kasaz and Kanesh in Yokuda and west of the Glenumbra region of High Rock.

Khartag Point[edit]

Khartag Point is a landmark in the Bitter Coast region of Vvardenfell. It is located northwest of Gnaar Mok and south of Andasreth.


Khefrem is a coastal region in southwestern Hammerfell, meeting the waters of the Eltheric Ocean and Hubalajad's Bay. The city of Gilane and ruins of the Rourken capital are part of the region. It contains the peninsula of Hew's Bane, which was originally known as Khefrem's Boot.

The region is also home to the Khefrem Academy of Yokudan Heritage.

Khenarthi's Roost[edit]

Khenarthi's Roost, the Isle of Three Temples, is a small island off the coast of Elsweyr inhabited by both Khajiit and Maormer, named for the Khajiiti goddess Khenarthi. The island is dotted with moon sugar plantations and is a location of both active Khajiiti worship and Maormer magic, as the Khajiit signed a peace treaty with the Maormer which allowed them to settle on the island. The port city of Mistral functions as the capital of the island and the center of commerce. Khenarthi's Roost once contained the ancient Kingdom of Khenarthia, one of the original sixteen kingdoms of Elsweyr, known for their sugar production and expert fishermen.


Khuul was a small fishing village in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell, on the island's northern coast. Aside from a single Redoran-style shell-house, which served as a Tradehouse, the buildings were all rustic huts made of logs, rough planks, and thatch. There was a boat to Solstheim in the village if one had any reason to go.

The only other legitimate businesses near Khuul were two egg mines–the Panud Egg Mine, just outside town, and the Asha-Ahhe Egg Mine, far to the southwest. There was also a silt strider port just south of town, by the Panud Egg Mine.

The date of Khuul's founding is uncertain. While an area known as Khuul was a stop for Silt Strider caravaneers around 2E 582, there was no settlement there besides the nearby Urshilaku Camp. Khuul had always been rumored to be a smuggling town, but the residents never confirmed nor denied this. They were suspicious of strangers asking a lot of questions and didn't like people poking around.

Kilkreath Temple[edit]

Kilkreath Temple is an old nordic ruin found on the mountains of Haafingar, in the province of Skyrim. The temple was once a place of worship for the Daedric Prince of Infinite Energies, Meridia, and in its hayday, it attracted many pilgrims from all corners of the world and its activity was openly known. Travelers that pass by the temple are greeted with warm hospitality and even resources like bedding. At some point, the temple became inactive and were later known as the Kilkreath Ruins. The temple is marked by the Statue of Meridia, which looms over the great expanse of northwest Skyrim.

King's Haven Pass[edit]

King's Haven Pass (or simply King's Haven) is a valley path that runs through the northern mountain, Eton Nir, found in the province of the Summerset Isles. This mountain pass was once a prominent trade route that connected the cities of Corgrad and Shimmerene, both found on two sides of the island, but it was later abandoned and contain the region's population of Goblins, who escaped to these highlands following the Elven incursion of the islands. The village of Kings Haven (also spelled Kingshaven) was active throughout the reign of the Third Empire.


Klithi is a small island in the west of the Yokudan archipelago, between the Azurian Sea and the Sea of Pearls. It is roughly equidistant to Akos Kasaz and Yath, to the northeast and southeast, respectively.

Knifepoint Hollow[edit]

Knifepoint Hollow is a subterranean ruin located northwest of New Sheoth, on the foothills of northern Dementia in the Shivering Isles. It was once the site of the Great Library of Jyggalag, which once contained all the knowledge in creation prior to Jyggalag's transformation into Sheogorath. When Sheogorath discovered the existence of the library, he had it burned, and converted it into a prison for Dyus, the keeper of the great library.

Like all ancient ruins found in the Isles, it is theorized that the complex at Knifepoint is a relic of the Predecessors, the mortal inhabitants of the realm whose civilization was wiped out in a previous Greymarch. By the Third Era, root tunnels had broken through into its ancient subterranean halls, and the only means of accessing the ruins from the surface was by means of a root tunnel.


Koegria was a Third Era fiefdom in High Rock along the northern bank of the Iliac Bay. It was bordered by Bhoriane and Kambria to the west, the Wrothgarian Mountains to the northeast, and Alcaire to the southeast. The provincial seat was the city of Koegria. The dominant vampire bloodline was Lyrezi, and the regional deity was Dibella.

Kolbjorn Barrow[edit]

Kolbjorn Barrow is a Nordic ruin on the island of Solstheim, located in the Hirstaang Forest.


Merethic Era[edit]

In the Merethic Era, the great enchanter Ahzidal fled to Solstheim from Skyrim. Having been driven to madness by his study of Oblivion, Ahzidal was betrayed by his fellow Dragon Priests and disappeared from history. Through unknown means, he was sealed within Kolbjorn Barrow, along with his most powerful relics. The Skaal were the only ones to remember this. Hermaeus Mora chose to hide a Black Book titled Filament and Filigree deep within the barrow.

Third Era[edit]

Oddfrid in the barrow

In 3E 427, draugr from the tomb attacked a seer named Geilir the Mumbling in his dwelling on the western coast of the island. The draugr took "Oddfrid", a seemingly magical skull that told Geilir of the future, and returned to the barrow with it. Geilir asked the Nerevarine to retrieve the skull, and in return provided a reading of the future.

Fourth Era[edit]

Kolbjorn Barrow buried in the ash circa 4E 201
Ahzidal, returned to unlife

After the Red Year of 4E 5, the southern half of Solstheim began to be subjected to constant falling ash from Red Mountain. In time, the ash buried Kolbjorn Barrow completely. In 4E 201, a financier from mainland Morrowind paid a Dunmer named Ralis Sedarys to recover the Relics of Ahzidal from the ruins. However, Ralis was surprised to arrive on the site and discover that the place was buried in ash. He attempted to excavate the ruins single-handedly, but it was no use. He then partnered up with the Last Dragonborn, who provided the necessary funding to hire miners from nearby Raven Rock. The excavation required several stages of funding, as the hired miners and mercenaries were repeatedly slaughtered or scared off by the awakened draugr within.

Throughout the dig, Ralis slowly began to lose his mind; at first, he heard only mocking voices, which eventually coalesced into the voice of Ahzidal himself, who had placed a spell on him. Ahzidal told him of the layout of the ruins and instructed him to excavate the inner chamber, where Ralis then began to sacrifice the souls of the miners to speak with his "master". He then attempted to summon Ahzidal, but the ceremony was interrupted by the Last Dragonborn, who defeated the undead Dragon Priest. The spell was broken, but it is unknown if the Dragonborn spared Ralis's life or not. Regardless, many of Ahzidal's relics were taken from the ruins, as well as the Black Book.

Korvag Crag[edit]

Korvag Crag was a location in ancient Skyrim. It was the dwelling of trolls who defeated and devoured all the members of the Sisterhood of the White Rose. A word wall was erected to commemorate the bitter defeat of the Sisterhood.


Kozanset is a small city in Hammerfell, found in the eastern Alik'r Desert.[nb 1]

In 2E 582, Kozanset was attacked by harpies. A group of mercenaries was hired to get rid of the harpy threat. Later, it was revealed that the harpies had been provoked to attack by the same mercenaries, which were subsequently driven out of the city.

In the late Third Era, the city of Kozanset was the capital of the Barony of Kozanset. Immediately following the Warp in the West, this region came under the dominion of Sentinel.


Kragenmoor is one of the eight major cities on the mainland of Morrowind, located in the ash wastes of Stonefalls. The city is the great nexus of the region's farming industry and it has historically been occupied by the Great House Dres. While some accounts described Kragenmoor as wretched and downtrodden, others such as the one from Flaccus Terentius noted the miles of saltrice plantations that stretched across the fertile valley. For a time in the mid-Second Era, Kragenmoor was the capital of House Dres and was the home of the Dres Grandmaster.


Kravenswold was a village featured in the fictional novel series The Adventures of Eslaf Erol. It was located in the far north areas of the province of Skyrim, outside the kingdom of Erolgard. It was stated to be half situated on the Sea of Ghosts. Eslaf Erol met with his sister Laicifitra in the local inn and convinced her to let him employ her army.


Kulati, also known as Kulati Mines was a mine and one of the places in the province of Hammerfell that was known for its amethysts. It was named alongside Dak'fron and Zareth M'Kai as one of the most notable areas of amethyst mining in the province.

Kurallian Mountains[edit]

The Kurallian Mountains are a mountain range in the province of High Rock, specifically in the region of Rivenspire. The Kurallian Mountains make up the mountain range throughout Rivenspire, encompassing both the city-state of Shornhelm, as well as the spire known as the Doomcrag. Shornhelm is found upon the foothills of the Kurallian, along with the towns of Crestshade and Fell's Run.


Kvatch is a Colovian city in the hinterland of the Gold Coast of Cyrodiil, located between Anvil and Skingrad. It is built atop a large bluff, raising the city above the surrounding forests. Its coat of arms is a black Dire Wolf on a grey background. The city is home to an arena, the imposing Kvatch Castle, and the Great Chapel of Akatosh. County Kvatch extends far to the northwest, up to the Brena River at the border of Hammerfell. The people of the city wear turban-like helmets with chainmail.

Kyne's Aegis[edit]

Kyne's Aegis is an island found in the icy waters of the Sea of Ghosts, in the province of Skyrim. It is the coastal bulwark of Haafingar, since the seas are treacherous and riddled with ship graveyards, any that tries to enter the mainland from the west must go through Kyne's Aegis as a checkpoint. On the island's southern coast lies the large fortified-village of Kyne's Perch, while the hills on the north contains an old ruin from the days of the Dragon Cult. The hills beyond Kyne's Perch is known as the Span, which consists of several mining outposts that date back to the days of the island's gold rush.


Kynesgrove, a simplification of the original Kyne's Grove, and also known as Dragonwood is a small village south of Windhelm. The village survives off a Malachite mine and some farming. Although there are an abundant number of trees in the area, they are considered sacred to Kyne and are not allowed to be harmed.

The village also has an arena that is among the oldest ones still in service. Legend says the great First Era warrior Gaiden Shinji was a regular fighter there before he went on to found the Imperial City arena.


Kynesgrove circa 2E 582
Dragonwood Arena circa 4E 180

The dragon Sahloknir, who was slain in the First Era by the Nordic hero Jorg Helmbolg, was interred in a dragon mound near the village. The Dragonguard later established the hidden base of Dark Water Temple near the mound.

In the Second Era, it was home to a major shrine to Kyne, tended to by the Keepers of the Grove. Suffering from the loss of their loved ones to the Alliance War, they lashed out against Kyne, thralling many civilians as the Muzzled Owls and overtaking the village. Keeper Ormi was turned into a hagraven, but after her son Sahun revealed himself to still be alive and prayed for her, Kyne cleansed and forgave her.

During the Imperial Simulacrum, the village of Dragonwood was an active settlement, being ruled by Lord Torbald. It had a rivalry with Pargran Village.

In the Fourth Era, Ganna and Gemma Uriel came to Kynesgrove to start the Frostbark lumber mill without realizing the nearby grove's trees were sacred to Kyne, with the village containing remnants of the grove they initially cut. Much of the town's business came from the malachite ore from Steamscorch Mine. During the Stormcloak Rebellion, the Last Dragonborn came to Kynesgrove with Delphine after she tracked down Alduin's next foray, and they slew Sahloknir within moments of the wyrm's resurrection by Alduin.