"Much of the nuance of Argonian conversation blooms from heavy metaphor and subtle body movements."
—Lights-the-Way, Mystic of the Mages Guild
Symbols that may represent words in Jel
Jel is the native language of the Argonians. Jel originates from the ancient and intelligent Hist trees of Black Marsh. The Argonian Mere-Glim claimed that Jel was the "closest speech to thought", and that other races could not pronounce it well enough to freely converse with it.[2]:33 Nevertheless, Annaïg Hoïnart, a Breton, was able to learn enough Jel words to create a sort of pidgin language to converse with Mere-Glim.[2]
The unintelligibility of Jel to other races is satirically alluded to in The Madness of Pelagius: "It was said that when the Argonian ambassador from Blackrose came to court, Pelagius insisted on speaking in all grunts and squeaks, as that was the Argonian's natural language."
There are no Jel words to describe any Daedra. As explained by a native speaker during the Interregnum, the Argonians do not "taint their language with words for abominations from Oblivion". Instead, they use common words from other more widely-spoken languages to refer to the beasts.[3]
Jel and Time[edit]
- "Mere-Glim wondered what would happen if he died. It was generally believed that Argonians had been given their souls by the Hist, and when one died, one's soul returned to them, to be incarnated once more. That seemed reasonable enough, under ordinary circumstances. In the deepest parts of his dreams or profound thinking were images, scents, tastes that the part of him that was sentient could not remember experiencing. The concept the Imperials called "time" did not even have a word in his native language. In fact, the hardest part of learning the language of the Imperials was that they made their verbs different to indicate when something happened, as if the most important thing in the world was to establish a linear sequence of events, as if doing so somehow explained things better than holistic apprehension."—The Infernal City
Jel completely lacks tense, and Argonians generally view all of life from birth to death as a single moment.[2] Time is much more fluid to the Saxhleel.[4] To them, time is an illusion established to create a linear version of events and is therefore considered a limited way of perceiving reality. In fact, the hardest challenge for Argonians learning other languages is getting used to the presence of past-tense and future-tense verbs.[2] It's not that the Argonians have no concept of time at all, they simply view time differently from the other races.[4]
Body Language[edit]
"Words hammered thought into shape, put it in cages, bound it in chains. Jel, the tongue of his ancestors—was the closest speech to real thought...
—The Infernal City:33
- "My tail whips from side to side, and yet you wish speak? Speak then." — Ereel-Jush, storyteller of Naga-Kur
Much of the Argonian language also relies on non-verbal communication or "body language" to convey meaning, which may be lost in translation for those unaccustomed to the Argonian's way of speaking. This difficulty in comprehension also goes in the other direction, where an inexperienced Argonian may have difficulty interpreting the emotions of an outsider.[5] This mutual inability to decipher body language may be why Argonians speaking Tamrielic will often preface their statements with an emotional qualifier, seen most often in the form of "I erect the spine of ...".
The use of body language in communication becomes more prevalent in the more isolated Argonian tribes who have had little contact with the other races of Tamriel. An example is the Naga-Kur tribe, their representatives often consider it necessary to specify their non-verbal gestures as they speak with outsiders, though other Argonians can interpret them well enough.[6]
Some examples of this include:
"I extend the claw of welcome, warrior." — General Dar-Liurz
"I shake my head in disbelief." — Raj-Kaal Seelan of the Naga-Kur
"I nod my head. Yes. ..." — Grave-Singer Ki-At of the Naga-Kur
"I recoil in mock disgust." — Utazaw of the Naga-Kur
"[...]My rage-quill is engorged!" — Chime-Maker Shuvu of the Bright-Throats
G in the beginning of a word is pronounced as a voiced velar plosive, as in "ground" — geeva /gi:va/.
X in most cases will be pronounced as [z] — xanmeer /zanmi:r/
H when set before an "l" serves as a connective voiceless consonant that is vocalized by Argonians on the breath-out. Known uses of "hl" in such a way exists in the word "Saxhleel", and tribe names utilizing the word "leel", such as "Su-Zahleel". — Su-Zahleel /su:zahli:l/.
Compound words[edit]
Compound words are common in Jel, generally consisting of an adjective and a noun or two nouns. Example:
- "Kajthux" — Ample serpent
Consists of:
- Kaj — Ample
- Thux — Snake or Serpent
Some compounds are written with hyphens. It is unknown if there is any semantic difference between these and other compounds. Example:
- "Deek-beeko" — Friend of youth
Consist of:
- Deek — Young, sapling
- Beeko — Friend
Jel Dictionary[edit]
This section contains known Jel words and their meanings.
- Ajum
- A woven tray with a netted lid, used e.g. for serving food[7]
- Alten
- [8][9]
- Beeko
- Friend. Sometimes may be used sarcastically[1]
- Beek-ojel
- Literally friend-outsider or non-Jel speaking friend[1]
- Bijum[10]
- Bok
- Bowl[1]
- Bok-Xul
- Bowl of Death"[11]
- Buseek[12]
- Daril
- Literally seeing everything in ecstasy;[2] a name for a drug
- Deek
- Young, sapling[13]; little
- Deek-beeko[1]
- Literally sapling-friend. Friend of youth, child-friend.
- Deelith
- One who passes wisdom to another[1]
- Delaw[12]
- Dimik
- Vivid[6]
- Dooka
- Mature, adult[13]
- Eenu[14]
- Ei
- possibly Eye, or Eyes (see Haj-Ei)
- Gah
- Basket (see Thtithil-gah - "egg basket")
- Gee
- Geel
- Gloor
- The pervasive will/desire/need of the Hist to engender multiple inevitabilities.[16]
- Greel
- Enemy (used mostly for hostile creatures or outsiders)[1][17]
- Gulvo
- [18]
- Gulweet
- [19]
- Haj
- Hidden, or hides[1]
- Haj mota
- Hidden hunter
- Hee-Tepsleel
- translation unknown; A tribe that raises crops for the Black-Tongue tribe's alchemical brews.[20]
- Hej
- Vaporous (see hejsetha thtithik, hejsetha thtitleel, and hej xajhuthi kroni[21])
- Hejsetha
- Vaporous, floating (see "Hejsetha thtithik" and "Hejsetha thtitleel"[21])
- Hejsetha thtithik
- Literally vaporous, floating egg hatcher;[21] wispmother
- Hejsetha thtitleel
- Literally vaporous floating sphere;[21] wisp
- Hej xajhuthi kroni
- Literally vaporous, dangerous crones. Translated less directly as "beware of witchlights"[21]
- Hewei
- Odd[14]
- Hoto[14]
- Huptal
- [10]
- Ithix[22]
- Iuheeez
- Wing folding. A manner in which butterfly wings are prepared into edible presentations[7]
- Iyorth[2]:60
- Ka
- Apprentice[24]
- Kaj
- Ample; giant; elder
- Kaj-jeke thota
- Ample stinging insect. Referring to a Giant Wasp[21]
- Kajthux
- Ample serpent. Referring to a Giant Snake[21]
- Kaju
- Dream-beast or sacred-beast. [14]
- Kaoc
- A type of vulgar interjection[2]:48[25]
- Keshu
- Literally stands apart[26]
- Ki
- Doll
- Krona
- Big, colossal. Typically used in jest or exaggeration[1]
- Ku
- To bring about or allow[27]
- Kuhupwo
- Mouth-talk. The rare phenomenon of a Hist tree speaking directly through speech[6]
- Kuuda
- Idiot.[28][29]
- Kujei
- Brother
- Leel
- Tribe/people; often used to denote a group or a tribe (see Kota-Vimleel, Tum-Taleel, Wasseek-Haleel)
- Lukiul
- Assimilated. Used to signify an Argonian who has adapted to a non-Argonian culture[2][1]
- Mahleel
- Human[30][31]
- Malgai[32]
- Masu
- Big-mouthed reptile (see rormasu' and wamasu[21])
- Maxeem-urto
- A type of river clam[6]
- Meht
- Possibly cracker (see Ixtaxh-thtithil-meht – "exact-Egg-Cracker"[2][10])
- Mota
- Hunt or hunter[11]
- Naga-Kur
- Dead-Water[11]
- Nalduku
- [33]
- Nalpa
- Literally rotten; bad (refers to something or someone of generally low quality)[1]
- Nassa
- Probably leader (see Raj-nassa – "elder leader")
- Norg
- Forbidden. Not used often as most forbidden things are not spoken of[1]
- Nushmeeko
- Lizard[13]
- Nujei
- Sister
- Oj
- Possibly denoting negation, judging by its use[17]
- Ojei
- Possibly roughly meaning No-Eyes, referring to the fact that they are blind[34]:
- Ojel
- Literally, not of Argonian tongue or non-speaker of Jel, marking somebody not of the tribe, an outsider. Sometimes used as an insult[6][1]
- Pahnjee
- Fumer, a rack of oily, spoiled meat to keep bog-blights at bay [14]
- Raj
- Elder[26]
- Rajpu
- [35]
- Reel-ka
- Warrior[1]
- Reelsh[12]
- Reezal
- Tainted[23][UOL 1]
- Rormasu
- Literally big-mouthed reptile that blinks above the water. Referring to a crocodile[21]
- Ruheeva
- Seemingly a greeting used for strangers[36][37]
- Sa
- unknown. [17]
- Sakka
- Saxhleel
- Literally people of the Root. Referring to the Argonians, as well as eleventh month of the Argonian calendar[2][1]
- Sei
- Possibly rite or ritual (see Vastei-Sei - "Ritual of Change", or chukka-sei - argonian rites of maturity).
- Seizo
- An exclamation, not necessarily of a bad connotation[6]
- Shaja
- Semi-humanoid[13]
- Shap
- Frog (see tsonashap - swimming frog)
- Sharith[21]
- Sisei
- Sprout; the third month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Tchee
- [17]
- Teeba
- Ball[38]
- Thtachalxan
- Literally Drykillers. Used to refer to Lilmoth's only non-Argonian guard unit in 4E 8.[2]:44
- Thtal
- [2]:16
- Thtithatei
- Egg-stomach. Used by some tribes in relation to procreation partnerships[16]
- Thtithil
- Egg [1]
- Thtithil-gah
- Egg basket. Seventh month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Thuxis
- Snake;[21] also refers to one who is deceptive[1]
- Toh
- Secret[5]
- Topee-rajta
- Loosely meaning older than dirt[6]
- Toteik
- Great (used sparingly for only particularly exceptional things)[1]
- Tsetha
- Floating (see hejtsetha thtithik and hejtsetha thtitleel[21])
- Tsojei
- A word used to refer to Argonian weapons described as a cross between a sword or club.
- Tsoko
- Elderly, elder [13]
- Tsona
- Swim or to swim [1]
- Tumjum
- House-weaving. Usually allegorical.[16]
- Tusik
- An Argonian weapon, similar to a Macuahuitl[39]
- Tzel
- Place[40]. Possibly also marking area or territory (see Norg-Tzel[40] and Veeskhleel-Tzel[20])
- Tzilnech
- An insult.[41]
- Uvastuxith
- Nest-becoming. A term for a procreational partnership[16]
- Ux
- A sacred mating practices of Argonians[42]
- Uxith
- Nest, home, bed. These three concepts are one and the same to the Saxhleel[25][1]
- Uxith-beeko
- Literally nest-friend. More directly a sexual partner[43]
- Vahat
- Unclean, or taboo[14][17]
- Vakka
- Sun, as well as first month of the Argonian calendar[1]
- Vakka-Shuxalt
- [44]
- Vastei
- Change[27][1] or transition
- Veesk
- Ghost (taken from Veeskhleel')
- Vexu-vit
- Persnickety. Somebody who is fussy or particular[6]
- Vim
- Tongue (taken from "Vimleel")
- Voh-vastei
- Apprentice[45]
- Vos
- Stone[6]
- Wamasu
- Roughly translated as big-mouthed reptile of blood lightning[21]
- Wasseek-Haleel
- Bright-Throats[20][10]
- Waxhuthi
- A type of vulgar interjection, when used in context it seems to mean "dammit"[2]:48[17]
- Wutulm
- Legend, used to describe a person[14]
- Wuxa[12]
- Xal
- Sacred[46][1]
- Xal-toh
- Sacred secret[5][47]
- Xeech
- Nut or seed; the second month of the Argonian calendar[1][13]
- Xhu
- Yes[2]:33
- Xhuth
- A type of vulgar interjection[2]:48 (also spelled "xuth"[28][48])
- Xouch
- Bee[49]
- Xul
- Death or pertaining to death[1]
- Xul-vaat
- Grave-stake. A stake pierced through a dead Argonian, telling a story of their life[14][50]
- Xulomaht
- Deceased; the twelfth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Xulunaht
- Possibly killing, massacre (from xul)[51][17]
Proper nouns[edit]
For the complete list of Saxhleel names see the Argonian names article.
This section contains known Jel names, titles, and other proper nouns.
- Adzi-Kostleel
- (The name of an Argonian tribe)[53]
- Atak
- The Great Root. The first thing to ever exist according to the oral tradition of the Adzi-Kostleel tribe.[53]
- Atakota
- The evercoiling clinging of the Great Serpent and the Great Root according to the oral tradition of the Adzi-Kostleel tribe[53]
- Aojee-sakka
- An exquisite soup. Lethal if eaten in the wrong manner[7]
- Chukka-sei
- A trial of maturation, upon completion of which, Argonians are considered to have come of age[13]
- Gee-Rusleel
- The Miredancers. A tribe of Murkmire[20]
- Haj-Ei
- Translates into Hides-His-Eyes. An Argonian name[54]
- Hist-Deek
- Hist Sapling. Fourth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Hist-Dooka
- Mature Hist. Fifth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Hist-Tsoko
- Elderly Hist. Sixth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Ixtaxh-thtithil-meht
- Exact-Egg-Cracker. The name of a great stepped pyramid in Lilmoth[2][10]
- Jekka-wass[12]
- Profession of the keeper of the Xinchei-Konu [13]
- Jekka-wats[55]
- Plural of Jekka-wass
- Kaal
- War captain. A revered title, especially in more violent tribes[6][1]
- Ka-deelith
- War-teacher. A title for the one responsible for training warriors[56]
- Kota
- The name of the Great Serpent challenging the first Great Root accordingly to the oral tradition of the Adzi-Kostleel tribe.[53]
- Kota-Vimleel
- Literally Black-Tongues. Denotes Black-Tongue tribe of Murkmire[20]
- Krona-kaal
- A particularly skilled or famous war chief in the Dead-Water tribe[14]
- Kronkassa[17]
- Kronka-thatith
- Everything-Egg. Roughly refers to all land occupied by the Argonian tribes when used with the gesture meaning "wide-swamp."[16]
- Ku-vastei
- A catalyst of change. Can be a person, a thing, or an occurrence but can be interpreted as "that which causes the necessary path for change to occur" "A ku-vastei is what sets things into motion again."[27][57]
- Nagahssee
- Snake roll. A dish prepared in Murkmire consisting of a snake skin filled with various vegetables and a live mouse[7]
- Naga-Kur
- The Dead-Water tribe of Murkmire[20]
- Naheesh
- Tribal elder. Typically a position of wisdom, although not necessarily one of power[1]
- Nisswo
- Nothing-speaker.[58][59] Used to refer to priests of Sithis[60]
- Norg-Tzel
- Literally forbidden place. A secluded island in southeastern Black Marsh[40]
- Norg-vos
- Warning stone[6]
- Nushmeeko
- Lizard; the ninth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Raj-beeko
- Literally elder friend. Or more likely, old friend (restores from: "raj" meaning "elder" and "beeko" meaning "friend"). Being used in conjunction. [1]:
- Raj-deelith
- Literally elder teacher[26]
- Raj-kaal
- Literally elder war captain, a war chief, a high military rank[14]
- Raj-nassa
- Literally elder leader[61]
- Ree-An-Wo
- Swallowed Grove[62]
- Saxhleel
- Literally people of the Root. Referring to the Argonians, as well as eleventh month of the Argonian calendar[2][1]
- Seekhat-Xol
- native village of Keshu the Black Fin [26]
- Shaja-Nushmeeko
- Literally Semi-humanoid lizard. Tenth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Shunatei
- Literally translated as 'Regretful Stomach', it refers to the concept of being pained by focusing too much on what has come to pass, and worrying too much about the future.[63]
- Shuulmtul
- [64]
- Su-Zahleel
- Tar-sakka[12]
- Teeba-hatsei
- "Hip and tail ball". A popular Argonian sport[38]
- Teeba-enoo
- Another popular Argonian sport[10]
- Theilul
- A type of Argonian rum made from distilled sugar cane[2]
- Thtithil-gah
- Egg basket. Seventh month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Tsono-Xuhil
- The name of Mazzatun's Hist.[65][66][67]
- Tsonashap
- Literally "swimming frog"[2]:48
- Tsona-Geeva[68]
- Tum-Taleel
- Literally "Root-House People. Denoting the Root-House tribe in Murkmire[20]
- Tutan-wei[10]
- Ux-deelith
- A tribe member leading the practice of ux, a sacred mating ritual[69]
- Vakka
- Sun. Also the first month of the Argonian calendar. [70]
- Vakka-Bok
- Bowl of the Sun. An ancient Argonian ruin in northern Murkmire. [10]
- Vakka-Shuxalt
- Sun-Eater. name of devotees to the vampire Shuxaltsei. [44]
- Vastei-Sei
- Ritual of Change[12]
- Veeskhleel
- Literally, the Ghost People. Denoting Ghost-People tribe of Murkmire[20]
- Voss
- [17]
- Vossa-satl
- An organ/bagpipe-like instrument popular in Murkmire, played with live frogs of various species.[71]
- Wasseek-Haleel
- Literally the Bright-Throats. A tribe of Murkmire[20][10]
- Wazeithi
- [10]
- Wuju-ka[32]
- Wuthilul
- Translates into Mere-Glim. An Argonian name[2]
- Xal-Krona
- Sacred colossal,[1] also called Argonian Behemoth.[72]
- Xal-fek
- Sacred plant. Fourteen plants considered sacred to the Black-Tongue tribe[15]
- Xal Ithix
- Sacred unknown. a settlement in Shadowfen, named after the nearby ruins. [22]
- Xal-thtithil
- Sacred egg[18]
- Xal-uxith
- Sacred nest. Where Argonian eggs are tended to[26]
- Xal-vastei
- Sacred change. Created at Xinchei-Konu monument[1]
- Xanmeer
- A term for the ancient stepped pyramids found in Black Marsh[46]
- Xeech'ki
- Seed doll. A wood figurine typically carved by members of Bright-Throat Tribe, depicting local animals or tiny Argonians[20]
- Xinchei-Konu
- An ancient Argonian calendar. Also refers to the monument constructed for it[12]
- Xiniss
- An Argonian village in Black Marsh[38]
- Xit-Xaht
- An Argonian tribe which resides in the Ruins of Mazzatun[73]
- Xochipalli
- Presumably the name of a poisonous plant found in Murkmire[74]
- Xoxoctic
- Presumably the name of a poisonous plant found in Murkmire[74]
- Xul-Axith
- Death-unknown. An ancient city made of black stone found in Black Marsh[75]
- Xul-mota
- Death-hunt. A challenging hunt for a dangerous beast[11]
- Xulneihavu
- [17][44]
- Xul-Axith
- [76]
- Xul-Thuxis
- Snake-Means-Death City. Literally death snake, an ancient Argonian city in northern Murkmire[77]
- Xulomaht
- The Deceased. As well as twelfth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Xulunaht
- [17]
- "Gulvo vakka-lo Kajin-Jat!" [18]
- "Vakka reelsh vastei buseek xal!"
- "Delaw ruheeva wuxa vastei bok tar-sakka!" [12]
- "Pah tzel tchee uvastei jel xul-uxith."
- "Ruheeva u xul-vahat!"
- "Sa kot xulneihavu! Sithis tchee shu kronkassa."
- "Sa tchee shu u vakka."
- "U Hist-greel kota norg-xeech."
- "Ruheeva u xul-vahat!"
- "Waxhuthi! Norgsa oj!"
- "Xulunaht voss!"[17]
- A language referred to as Jen was spoken by Mere-Glim after seeing Umbriel for the first time. Annaïg Hoïnart described it as a 'deeply ambiguous tongue' and claimed that she could easily prescribe over ten meanings to the short phrase that Mere-Glim muttered as a consequence of the tongue's vagueness.[2]:56 It is unknown what relation Jen has to Jel, but it is unlikely that they are the same, as Annaïg was a capable Jel speaker.[2]:33 However, as "Jen" is never referred to at any other time, it is also possible it is merely a typographical error.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae The Sharper Tongue: A Jel Primer — Lights-the-Way, Mystic of the Mages Guild
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Keyes, Greg. The Infernal City. Del Rey Books, 2009.
- ^ Kyne's Challenge: A Hunter's Companion: Black Marsh, Daedroth
- ^ a b Murky Time — Teldenrinde of the Mages Guild
- ^ a b c Jee-Lar's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Xukas' dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c d A Culinary Adventure — Rallaume Lemonds, Culinary Crusader
- ^ Alten Corimont in ESO
- ^ Alten Meerhleel in ESO
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j Famia Mercius' dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c d Bolu's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c d e f g h i Jekka-Wass Vozei's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r The Seasons of Argonia — Jekka-Wass Paxalt, Keeper of the Xinchei-Konu
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j Jaxsik-Orrn's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b Waku-Mat's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c d e Loremaster's Archive: Murkmire Q&A
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Shuxaltsei's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c Kassandra's dialogue in ESO:Murkmire
- ^ Beehuna's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j Tribes of Murkmire — Emmanubeth Hurrent, the Wayfarers' Society of Wayrest
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Kyne's Challenge: A Hunter's Companion
- ^ a b Xal Ithix in ESO
- ^ a b Reezal-Jul in ESO
- ^ The Black Fin: Foreign Adventures, Part 1 — Mee-See, Squire and Personal Aide to Keshu the Black Fin
- ^ a b Crafting Motif 9: Argonian Style — Doctor Alfidia Lupus
- ^ a b c d e Keshu: From Egg to Adolescence — Peek-Ereel, Friend and Confidant to Keshu the Black Fin
- ^ a b c Ku-Vastei: The Needed Change — Lights-the-Way, Mystic of the Mages Guild
- ^ a b Ajim-Jaa's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Nurhei's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Guhcin's dialogue during The Skin Taker in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Bar-Goh's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b Dradeiva's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Overheard dialogue from Naga Blackguards in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Ojei, a mutated Argonian found in Blight Bog Sump
- ^ From Wrothgar to Lilmoth: A Smith's Tale, Vol 3 — Garnozag, Master Smith
- ^ Meewulm's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Aliskeeh's greeting in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c Teeba-Hatsei
- ^ From Wrothgar to Lilmoth: A Smith's Tale, Vol 2 — Garnozag, Master Smith
- ^ a b c Norg-Tzel loading screen text in ESO
- ^ Nuxul's dialogue in ESO: Blackwood
- ^ Ux-Deelith Mezatil's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Tloxalith's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c Vakka-Shuxalt Amulet item description in ESO
- ^ Iskenaaz's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Black Marsh — Flaccus Terentius, 2E 581
- ^ The Journal of Margus Derius — Margus Derius
- ^ Ukatsei's dialogue during Trial of the Skin-Stealer in ESO
- ^ Letters from the War: Mead!
- ^ Grave-Singer Ki-At's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Meet the Character - Bastian Hallix — Pungent Adder
- ^ The Fruit and the Stone
- ^ a b c d Children of the Root — Solis Aduro
- ^ Haj-Ei in Morrowind
- ^ Captive's Journal
- ^ Beel-Ranu's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Choixth's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Ajim-Jaa's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Nisswo's Soul Tender antiquity codex entries in ESO
- ^ Nisswo Uaxal's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Keshu: The Rites of Maturity — Peek-Ereel, Friend and Confidant to Keshu the Black Fin
- ^ Swallowed Grove loading screen text in ESO
- ^ Talen-Jush's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Farewell Note
- ^ Na-Kesh's Journal — Tree-Minder Na-Kesh
- ^ Na-Kesh's dialogue in ESO: Shadows of the Hist
- ^ Heem-Jas' dialogue during Sap and Stone in ESO: Shadows of the Hist
- ^ Eshraf's Journal — Eshraf
- ^ Something About Stibbons quest in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Description of the Vakka Tablet quest item
- ^ On Playing the Frogs — Toralf
- ^ Dust-On-Scales's Dialogue during Of Stone and Steam
- ^ The Xit-Xaht tribe in ESO
- ^ a b Quest item text in Empty Nest
- ^ Lost Tales of the Famed Explorer — Solis Aduro
- ^ Lost Tales of the Famed Explorer: Fragment V — Solis Aduro
- ^ Xul-Thuxis loading screen text in ESO
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.