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Tamriel Rebuilt:Arvud

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Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: House Hlaalu
Region: Armun Ashlands

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

Silt Strider:

Tr banner arvud.png
Arvud from above
Arvud's entrance
Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai

Arvud is a small Hlaalu-run outpost and caravan stop in the Armun Ashlands and represents an oasis of civilization in the savage and desolate surroundings. The town was formerly known as Ald Erfoud, a Redoran stronghold abandoned 2,000 years ago, and since taken by House Hlaalu.

Getting There and Around[edit]

Arvud can be reached via Silt Strider from Menaan. Roads from Hlan Oek, Andrethis and Kragenmoor lead to Arvud from the south, while the road coming from the north of the settlement has its origin in Menaan.

Places of Interest Around Arvud[edit]

  • Some way to the west lies Ishanuran Camp, home of the eponymous Ashlander tribe. To the north, the old Daedric shrine of Hummurushtapi can be found, while the vampire-infested old Indoril ruin of Khirakai lies to the east-northeast.

Related Quests[edit]



The current governor of Arvud is Balvene Uvayn, who resides with her family in Uvayn Manor. Her steward, Armas Tyravel, manages many of the Uvayn family's affairs. Other notables include Shalaasa Samane, owner of the Lucky Shalaaasa's Caravanserai, the town's main inn.

Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Anbarys Irathi Male Dark Elf Merchant 13 120 138 95 30 Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai: Rooms
Armas Tyravel Male Dark Elf Scribe Great House Hlaalu Lawman(Lawman) 10 100 140 100 30 Uvayn Manor Quest giver
Atriban Deras Male Dark Elf Alchemist Service 8 67 144 95 30 Atriban Deras: Alchemist/House Alchemist
Balvene Uvayn Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Hlaalu Kinsman(Kinsman) 10 88 108 100 0 Uvayn Manor Quest giver, Governor of Arvud
Baram Hlervi Male Dark Elf Trader Service 10 99 108 95 30 Bazaar Trader
Bazug gro-Sharbazug Male Orc Enforcer 15 114 90 100 40 Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai: Rooms
Dalayne Teran Female Dark Elf Scout 14 138 108 100 30 Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai Trainer
Didilu-Edinu Belharranit Female Dark Elf Caravaner 12 121 136 90 30 Silt Strider Platform Travel services
Dravil Male Dark Elf Commoner 4 63 86 0 30 Street Quest giver
Edrila Farandas Female Dark Elf Trader Service 4 58 90 95 30 Bazaar Trader
Elo Falas Male Dark Elf Agent Great House Hlaalu Retainer(Retainer) 7 71 94 100 30 Uvayn Manor Trainer
Felara Uvayn Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Hlaalu Kinsman(Kinsman) 16 124 128 100 40 Uvayn Manor Quest giver
Firolen Ervanys Male Dark Elf Warrior 20 213 110 0 90 Ald Erfoud Ruins
Galvur Irano Male Dark Elf Merchant 12 113 136 100 30 Slave Market (Outside)
Haanit Girethi Male Dark Elf Hunter 17 124 106 95 30 Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai
Halfbret White-Bear Male Nord Warrior 16 189 84 100 30 Outside Uvayn Manor
Hlavora Tilvur Female Dark Elf Trader Service Great House Hlaalu Retainer(Retainer) 7 77 100 100 30 Hlavora Tilvur: Trader Trader
Ihnirra Female Khajiit Slave 4 60 84 90 30 Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai
Iridor Male High Elf Warrior 25 244 138 100 45 Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai Thirty-six player
J'Suhkurr Male Ohmes Slave 1 37 80 35 30 Slave Market (Outside)
Juncinus Merx Male Imperial Merchant East Empire Company Underling(Underling) 7 79 120 100 30 Bazaar
Kettigrim Thrall-Bound Male Nord Slave 18 170 88 100 30 Uvayn Manor
Khesurra Female Ohmes Slave 1 37 80 35 30 Slave Market (Outside)
Kuvat Ummanu Male Dark Elf Pauper 6 65 88 90 30 Outside the Bazaar Quest giver
Llaals Sathrobar Male Dark Elf Merchant 8 86 122 95 30 Street Quest giver
Mannanu Madavel Female Dark Elf Nightblade Service 17 96 116 100 30 Uvayn Manor Spell Merchant
Marvirr Male Khajiit Slave 4 60 84 10 30 Town entrance
Mels Berano Male Dark Elf Clothier 2 45 104 98 30 Mels Berano: Clothier Clothier
Millur Bolothren Male Dark Elf Warrior 17 187 106 100 30 Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai: Rooms
Naalsa Uvayn Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Hlaalu Kinsman(Kinsman) 8 76 102 100 20 Uvayn Manor
Nappaahtu Female Dark Elf Smith 19 189 108 100 30 Nappaahtu: Armorer Blacksmith
Nassuran Omoril Male Dark Elf Merchant 12 113 136 90 30 Town entrance Quest giver, Travel services
Orvona Llendo Female Dark Elf Trader Service 7 77 100 95 30 Bazaar Trader
Ralan Varos Male Dark Elf Merchant 14 126 142 100 30 Town entrance
Seneclius Blavius Male Imperial Bard 5 63 118 95 30 Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai
Shalaasa Samane Female Dark Elf Publican 8 71 122 90 30 Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai Innkeeper
Sorus Dalvor Male Dark Elf Trader 7 81 100 90 30 Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai: Rooms
Taala Voronethri Female Dark Elf Pilgrim 5 65 88 100 30 Street
Tavilu Llervu Female Dark Elf Assassin Great House Redoran Retainer(Retainer) 15 109 140 95 30 Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai: Rooms
Tharmadalion Male Wood Elf Slave 1 35 80 35 30 Slave Market (Outside) Quest giver
Vendel Othreleth Male Dark Elf Noble 8 81 102 20 30 Uvayn Manor
Vils Danoran Male Dark Elf Rogue 12 111 98 95 45 Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai: Rooms Thirty-six player
Zadathys Malvayn Male Dark Elf Warrior 17 187 106 100 30 Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai: Rooms


Map Key


  • 1. Guar Pen and Entry
  • 2. Silt Strider
  • 3. Hlavora Tilvur: Trader
  • 4. Nappaahtu: Armorer
  • 5. Slave Market
  • 6. Bazaar
  • 7. Mels Berano: Clothier
  • 8. Western Guard Tower
  • 9. Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai
  • 10. Uvayn Manor
  • 11. Eastern Guard Tower
  • 12. Atriban Deras: Alchemist


  • The ruins of Ald Erfoud are still accessible to adventurers who dig deep enough below the surface of this sleepy town.