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Tamriel Rebuilt:Oran Plantation

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Oran Plantation
Console Location Code(s)
"Oran Plantation"
Aanthirin, [2,-25]
Oran Plantation

Oran Plantation is a large plantation in the Aanthirin region.

Comberries are grown here. The plantation is owned by Atran Oran, a member of House Hlaalu, and Council Elector of the Hlaalu Council. Lord Oran can be found in the manor atrium and quest giver Ulvo Hlaari in the vault. The plantation lies on the west side of the Thirr River, and consists of numerous fields, a main complex, and several outlying buildings. It also includes a highly secure underground vault, furnished with considerable riches.

Slaves such as Salt-Mane Dro'Qosha, a former Khajiit ambassador, and escaped Argonian, Awfully-Swift-Skink, can be freed by obtaining the keys here. One key is held by the plantation foreman, Dels Ravyn. Dels can be found in a house in the walled plantation complex. The other key is kept between some books in Ulvo Hlaari's bedroom, in the atrium of the main manor. A Hlaalu guard, Malvys Nethrelas, can be found pacing around the Dassur-Kur lookout to the east of Oran Plantation. He is the quest giver for Awfully-Swift-Skink Breaks Free.

The nearby Indoril chapel ruin of Tur Julan overlooks the plantation to the west, providing an adventuring opportunity filled with high-level daedra, both friendly and hostile. The dridrea-infested Uttumilk cave can be found to the southwest, as can the Dadrys Ancestral Tomb. To the northwest is Nerethril Ancestral Tomb.

Related Quests[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]


Tribunal Temple[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Anara Medri Female Dark Elf Caretaker 5 68 96 90 30 Manor, Private Quarters
Atran Oran Male Dark Elf Warrior Great House Hlaalu Councilman(Councilman) 45 364 150 100 30 Manor, Atrium
Dels Ravyn Male Dark Elf Enforcer Great House Hlaalu Oathman(Oathman) 17 117 116 100 30 Dels Ravyn's House Quest giver
Diveru Dalas Female Dark Elf Agent Great House Hlaalu Retainer(Retainer) 6 61 92 100 30 Courtyard
Drolora Oran Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Hlaalu House Brother(House Brother) 14 112 122 0 0 Manor, Main Tower
Effa Female Argonian Slave 2 46 102 15 30 Fields
Elissia Barraviil Female Imperial Caretaker 1 45 80 0 30 Manor, Servants Quarters
Forochel Female Wood Elf Caretaker 5 63 96 90 30 Manor, Main Tower
Hanniri Female Khajiit Slave 3 53 84 15 30 Fields
Hobert Corovob Male Breton Baker 4 51 120 90 30 Manor, Servants Quarters
Ildel Nothran Male Dark Elf Gardener 5 77 88 90 30 Manor, Atrium
Ishimashirri Female Khajiit Slave 2 46 82 15 30 Fields
Issh-Tei Male Argonian Slave 3 53 84 15 30 Fields
Jacchus Farragian Male Imperial Master-at-Arms Great House Hlaalu Oathman(Oathman) 23 229 116 90 30 Courtyard Trainer
Jerra Female Khajiit Slave 1 40 80 15 30 Dels Ravyn's House
Ji'Mohirr Male Khajiit Slave 2 46 82 15 30 Fields
Khaasra Female Khajiit Caretaker 6 76 100 90 30 Manor, Servants Quarters
Larisi Sorvyn Female Dark Elf Caretaker 1 40 80 0 30 Manor, Servants Quarters
Llayno Mendraso Male Dark Elf Guard Great House Hlaalu Lawman(Lawman) 22 224 126 95 30 Manor, Atrium
Llehra Sarani Female Dark Elf Gondolier Great House Hlaalu Oathman(Oathman) 6 64 92 90 30 Eastern Tower Pier Offers transport to Mundrethi Plantation Slave Market
Mutra Llehervu Female Dark Elf Caretaker 2 47 84 90 30 Manor, Atrium
Norisa Farays Female Dark Elf Farmer 5 70 86 90 30 Tamynu Farays' house
Pjerulf Male Nord Farmer 4 77 64 100 30 Fields
Raris Oran Male Dark Elf Noble Great House Hlaalu House Brother(House Brother) 22 165 148 100 30 Manor, Private Quarters
Reynalie Corovob Female Breton Baker 5 58 108 90 30 Manor, Servants Quarters
Salt-Mane Dro'Qosha Male Khajiit Slave 8 87 92 15 30 Fields
Skalla Shield-Wright Female Nord Smith Great House Hlaalu Oathman(Oathman) 9 121 72 90 30 Manor, Private Quarters Blacksmith, Merchant, Trainer
Smirks-All-Day Female Argonian Slave 2 46 102 100 30 Southern Slave Shack
Tamynu Farays Female Dark Elf Farmer 4 62 84 90 30 Courtyard
Thar-dar'Datta Male Khajiit Slave 5 67 86 15 30 Fields
Tsahsi Female Khajiit Slave 3 53 84 15 30 Fields
Ulvo Hlaari Male Dark Elf Battlemage Great House Hlaalu House Brother(House Brother) 25 159 200 100 30 Manor, Vault Quest giver (House Hlaalu)
Utherys Farays Male Dark Elf Farmer 5 75 86 90 30 Courtyard
Valvane Oran Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Hlaalu House Brother(House Brother) 30 207 172 100 30 Manor, Master Bedroom
Vayryne Female High Elf Caretaker 6 71 120 100 30 Manor, Servants Quarters
Veers-In-Brine Female Argonian Slave 1 0 100 0 30 Dels Ravyn's House
Virr Male Khajiit Slave 3 53 84 100 30 Northern Slave Shack
Zahrajma Female Khajiit Slave 2 46 82 10 30 Fields