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Tamriel Rebuilt:Dulandos

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Ancient Ruin:
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
# of Zones 8
Undead, Necromancers
Console Location Code(s)
"Dulandos, Catacombs"; "Dulandos, Living Quarters"; "Dulandos, Main Hall"; "Dulandos, Ruined House"; "Dulandos, Shrine"; "Dulandos, Storage Chambers"; "Dulandos, Top Floor"; "Dulandos, Vicarage"
Lan Orethan, [34,-30]
On the ridge, east of Bosmora.
The ruined Indoril settlement of Dulandos

Dulandos is an large ruined Indoril settlement east of Bosmora, filled with necromancers.

The ruin is situated on the large rocky hill, east of town, with the ruins, view and verdant surroundings suggesting a once rich and beautiful locale. A path leads up the hill to the location, branching off from the road running east from Bosmora. The presence of a high-level necromancer, Akintal, and many lower level necromancers suggests some sort of secretive tutelage arrangement here, presumably beyond the eye of the Mages Guild (with the not being a member of the guild being the problem, not the necromancy).


Outside the Ruins[edit]

The outdoor square is quiet, with three doors available to you - the one to the shrine, the one to a ruined house, and the one to the main hall. The level 55 locked door to the shrine will summon two skeletons on activation, regardless of whether you disarmed the trap or not, relocking at level 20 as it does so. The second attempt at relocking will go better, permitting entry. The doors to the main hall and ruined house are unlocked and harmless.

The Shrine[edit]

Undead greet you on entry. As with the entrance to this area, activating the level 55 locked door inside here will trigger a trap - paralysis this time - and spawn an Ancestor Ghost. It will relock at level 20, requiring picking before you can proceed. Two neighborhood Bonelords will attack you on entry. Doors on either side of this chamber lead to the Vicarage, and both perform a very familiar trick of summoning enemies - with the western one summoning slightly easier.

The Vicarage[edit]

The necromancer, Akintal, is found here. The collection of soul gems on his desk are also filled with a variety of souls, making for quite the haul. The Alteration skill book Sithis can be found on the bed, and a Master's Mortar and Pestle lies on the stone slab.

Ruined House[edit]

The necromancer, Meramircil is here, and skeleton archers will fire from the ledge running around the ceiling.

Main Hall[edit]

The bulk of the necromancers are gathered here, with this apparently forming a kind of lecture/study area. The desk at one end of the hall will always contain 700+ gold. Two doors lead on to the Storage Chambers, and another to the Catacombs.


There are, as you'd expect, undead. Behind the level 60 locked door is another necromancer, Foralia, with the skeleton laid out in her chamber carrying the unique Ring of Lightning Speed.

Storage Chambers[edit]

A necromancer and undead guard this area. An Orcish Mace lies on the table in the central room. Trapdoors upwards lead to the living quarters, although to distinct and separated areas of them.

Living Quarters[edit]

This area is split into three separated rooms, with only the central one being of interest. Two necromancers are present here.

Top Floor[edit]

Asides from 700+ gold in the desk, there is nothing of interest here.


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Akintal Male High Elf Necromancer 29 289 204 0 91 Vicarage
Armando Male Redguard Necromancer 5 66 100 0 90 Main Hall
Bralani Faravel Female Dark Elf Warlock 7 59 90 0 95 Living Quarters
Deer-Lai Female Argonian Necromancer 9 68 158 0 92 Living Quarters
Elmera Venyon Female Dark Elf Necromancer 14 88 162 0 90 Main Hall
Foralia Female Wood Elf Necromancer 7 55 128 0 95 Catacombs
Franparo Seledre Male Breton Necromancer 5 51 140 0 95 Main Hall
Hjoorla Female Nord Necromancer 5 61 100 0 90 Storage Chambers
Meramircil Female High Elf Necromancer 10 71 164 0 91 Ruined House
Rette Female Redguard Witch 6 64 76 0 90 Main Hall
Zuls Ildaras Male Dark Elf Necromancer 7 52 114 0 93 Main Hall


  • In the Vicarage, the scripted doors can deactivate, preventing a return to the outside. Teleport out or use the console command 'coc "Dulandos, Shrine"' to escape this predicament.