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Tamriel Rebuilt:Yamandalkal (place)

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Daedric Shrine:
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
# of Zones 2
Daedra Lord Mehrunes Dagon
Cultists, Daedra, Xivilai Tatho
Console Location Code(s)
"Yamandalkal"; "Yamandalkal, Crying Chambers"; "Yamandalkal, Sanctum"
Sea of Ghosts, [13,26]

Yamandalkal is an Althoa shrine dedicated to Dagon.

Following the road southeast from Nivalis or west from Bahrammu will see you pass by this place.

The dominating presence within this place is undoubtedly of the powerful Daedra, Xivilai Tatho. Assorted cultists and Daedra can be found in the Xivilai's service, and all will be hostile. Xivilai Tatho itself features in the Mages Guild quests Yamandalkal and Deal with a Devil.

Notable Loot[edit]

  • The key to the Sanctum (TR_Yamandalkal_key) can be found in the Crying Chambers, on a bookshelf on the top floor, next to a candle.
  • An Ebony Dagger lies on the alchemist's table (Sanctum).
  • The Alchemy skill book 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 2 can be found next to this same table.
  • A Glass Dagger lies buried in a skull in the western corner of the lower room (Crying Chambers), but will summon a Dremora when taken.
  • A Glass Wakizashi is in the large tower in the exterior, beside a skeleton.
  • A unique Shiny Silver Spoon worth 500 gold can be found in the mouth of a skeleton in the Sanctum grasping a cloth bag.

Related Quests[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]


  • Yamandalkal debuted in the 22.11 release - the same release that deprecated the Telvanni Library. A large portion of the ruin's cultists were formerly NPCs in that abolished location.


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Ansjir Male Nord Hunter 10 97 74 90 90
Bothil {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]]
Delvam Saryon Male Dark Elf Sorcerer 17 126 176 80 100
Drelasa Ilnith Female Dark Elf Mage 14 89 144 80 100
Gazash gro-Grohl Male Orc Warrior 15 178 82 30 100
Lervathi Arvul Female Dark Elf Mage 18 99 158 90 100
Vilvyni Telas Female Dark Elf Scout 11 116 102 80 90
Vulanil Male High Elf Sorcerer 11 91 168 80 100