
Skyrim:Spider Scrolls

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The Imbuing Chamber

Spider scrolls are magical items that can be created with the imbuing chamber device found in White Ridge Barrow. Though these are not called scrolls by name, they appear in the "Scrolls" category of your gameplay menu. They can be equipped (held) in either hand and are thrown rather than cast. As with standard scrolls, anyone can use a spider scroll regardless of magic skill, and using one does not use any magicka; however, each spider scroll can only be used once. Spiders cannot use spells, nor power attacks.

For more information, see the main lore article.

Spider Scrolls[edit]

Flame Spider Scrolls[edit]

Name (ID) Weight Value Description and Effects Ingredients
SR-icon-Scroll-Exploding Flame Spider.png Exploding Flame Spider
0.5 100 Tosses a dead spider on the ground which explodes when an enemy gets too close:
  • Exploding Flame Spider, in 5 ft
SR-icon-Scroll-Jumping Flame Spider.png Flame Cloaked Spider
0.5 100 Tosses a Flame Cloaked spider on the ground that will cause fire damage to enemies that get too close:
  • Flame Cloaked Spider, in 5 ft
SR-icon-Scroll-Jumping Flame Spider.png Jumping Flame Spider
0.5 100 Tosses a Jumping Fire spider on the ground that will launch itself at nearby enemies and explode if it lands near them:
  • Jumping Flame Spider, in 5 ft

Frost Spider Scrolls[edit]

Name (ID) Weight Value Description and Effects Ingredients
SR-icon-Scroll-Exploding Frost Spider.png Exploding Frost Spider
0.5 100 Tosses a dead spider on the ground which explodes when an enemy gets too close:
  • Exploding Frost Spider, in 5 ft
SR-icon-Scroll-Jumping Frost Spider.png Frost Cloaked Spider
0.5 100 Tosses a Frost Cloaked spider on the ground that will apply Ice Damage to enemies that get too close:
  • Frost Cloaked Spider, in 5 ft
SR-icon-Scroll-Jumping Frost Spider.png Jumping Frost Spider
0.5 100 Tosses a Jumping Frost spider on the ground that will launch itself at nearby enemies and explode if it lands near them:
  • Jumping Frost Spider, in 5 ft

Poison Spider Scrolls[edit]

Name (ID) Weight Value Description and Effects Ingredients
SR-icon-Scroll-Exploding Poison Spider.png Exploding Poison Spider
0.5 100 Tosses a dead spider on the ground which explodes when an enemy gets too close:
  • Exploding Spider, in 5 ft
SR-icon-Scroll-Jumping Poison Spider.png Jumping Poison Spider
0.5 100 Tosses a Jumping Poison spider on the ground that will launch itself at nearby enemies and explode if it lands near them:
  • Exploding Spider, in 5 ft
SR-icon-Scroll-Jumping Poison Spider.png Poison Cloaked Spider
0.5 100 Tosses a Poison Cloaked spider on the ground that will Poison enemies that get too close:
  • Poison Spider, in 5 ft

Shock Spider Scrolls[edit]

Name (ID) Weight Value Description and Effects Ingredients
SR-icon-Scroll-Exploding Shock Spider.png Exploding Shock Spider
0.5 100 Tosses a dead spider on the ground which explodes when an enemy gets too close:
  • Exploding Frost Spider, in 5 ft
SR-icon-Scroll-Jumping Shock Spider.png Jumping Shock Spider
0.5 100 Tosses a Jumping Shock spider on the ground that will launch itself at enemies and explode if it lands near them:
  • Exploding Frost Spider, in 5 ft
SR-icon-Scroll-Jumping Shock Spider.png Shock Cloaked Spider
0.5 100 Tosses a Shock Cloaked spider on the ground that will apply Shock Damage to enemies that get too close:
  • Poison Spider, in 5 ft

Other Spider Scrolls[edit]

Name (ID) Weight Value Description and Effects Ingredients Notes
SR-icon-Scroll-Mind Control Spider.png Glowing Spider
0.5 100 Spawns a glowing spider that will follow you around. Only one can be spawned at a time. Not available in game.
SR-icon-Scroll-Mind Control Spider.png Mind Control Spider
0.5 100 Creatures and people that this spider attaches to will fight for you for 30 seconds:
  • Zombie by Spider, 100 pts for 30 secs
There is no creature called "Mind Control Spider". The unique spider used is thrown significantly further than other spiders, latching onto enemies within range.
SR-icon-Scroll-Mind Control Spider.png Oil Spider
0.5 100 Spawns a spider that secretes a flammable oil when it feels threatened:
  • Oil Spider, in 5 ft
SR-icon-Scroll-Jumping Flame Spider.png Pack Spider
0.5 100 Spawns a spider that can be used to haul items. Only one can be spawned at a time.
  • Carry weight 60
Not available in game.
NPC using spiders


  • Up to nine spiders can be summoned at any one time, five elemental spiders, one oil spider, one pack spider, one mind control spider and one glowing spider and they do not count towards the summoning limit placed on Conjuration spells, meaning that they will not despawn when you use a summoning spell.
  • The spiders do not have a time limit with the exception of the glowing spider and mind control spider, and thus will remain summoned until they are destroyed. They will also fast travel with you. They will follow you from Solstheim to Skyrim. They will follow you into a shop or house (which can get pretty crowded). They don't seem to follow when you visit Apocrypha, but will be waiting for you when you return.
  • The spiders will turn hostile to you immediately if they are hit by any offensive ability of yours that does any damage. This is only relevant to the Cloaked spiders however, as both the Jumping and Exploding variants will explode immediately upon damage. The ability to damage them is not affected by the Companion's Insight effect.
  • The Exploding spider types can be propelled by the Unrelenting Force shout or an arrow for a short time before they will explode.
  • There is a single respawning albino spider egg from which you can obtain albino spider pods for creating scrolls, located just south of Bloodskal Barrow, near a shrine of Kynareth.
  • If a flawless gem is used in any of the elemental recipes, six scrolls will be produced by the recipe instead of three.