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SK-icon-inventory-Weapons.png Weapons in Shadowkey are primarily distinguished by what damage they do and which of the nine classes available in the game can use them.

Edged Weapons[edit]

Name Skill Damage Buy Value Sell Value Acquisition
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Iron Dagger Shortblade 4-5 38 13 Obtained from the footlocker in the house at the start of the game. Can also be bought from shopkeeper Gravel Trothgar and Wendek Freetalker
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Silver Dagger Shortblade 4-6 55 19 Can be bought from shopkeepers Wendek Freetalker and Egrian Stout
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Steel Dagger Shortblade 4-7 78 27 Can be bought from the weapons merchant in Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Daedric Dagger Shortblade 8-12 676 237 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Dusk Dagger [a] Shortblade 5-17 953 334 Obtained from a chest in Delfran's Hideout
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Death Dagger Shortblade 4-20 1304 456 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Penumbric Dagger Shortblade 10-25 5075 1776 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Iron Shortsword Shortblade 4-9 143 50 Can be bought from shopkeepers Gravel Trothgar, Wendek Freetalker, and Egrian Stout
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Silver Shortsword [b] Shortblade 5-10 240 84 Can be bought from shopkeepers Wendek Freetalker and Egrian Stout
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Steel Shortsword Shortblade 5-12 377 132 Can be bought from the weapons merchant in Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Dwarven Shortsword Shortblade 7-14 806 282 Can be bought from shopkeeper Wendek Freetalker
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Ebony Shortsword Shortblade 10-22 3675 1286 Can be bought from shopkeeper Wendek Freetalker
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Shadow Whisper [c] Shortblade 4-12 1304 456 Can be bought from the weapons merchant in Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Iron Longsword Longblade 4-15 712 249 Can be bought from shopkeepers Gravel Trothgar and Wendek Freetalker
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Steel Longsword Longblade 5-19 1304 456 Can be bought from shopkeeper Wendek Freetalker
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Silver Longsword Longblade 4-21 1511 529 Can be bought from the weapons merchant in Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Mahk Longsword Longblade 3-26 2578 902 Found on a skeleton chained to a crystal in Fearfrost Caverns
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Ebony Longsword Longblade 4-37 8970 3140 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Daedric Longsword Longblade 4-44 15822 5538 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Shadow Stabber [d] Longblade 10-28 6823 2388 Obtained from Loth' Na Caverns
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Shadowblade Longblade 3-50 22605 7912 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Iron Broadsword Longblade 4-12 303 106 Can be bought from shopkeeper Gravel Trothgar
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Steel Broadsword Longblade 4-14 463 162 Can be bought from shopkeepers Gravel Trothgar and Egrian Stout
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Ebony Broadsword Longblade 6-26 4572 1600 Obtained from a chest in Lakvan's Stronghold
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Iron Claymore Longblade 1-24 1511 529 Can be bought from shopkeeper Wendek Freetalker
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Silver Claymore Longblade 1-27 2272 795 Can be bought from the weapons merchant in Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Daedric Claymore Longblade 1-60 37497 13124 (?)
[a]Incorrectly described as having a damage range of 5 - 10
[b]Incorrectly described as a "Throwing weapon, damage 4 - 5"
[c]Incorrectly described as a "Blunt, damage 4 - 20"
[d]Incorrectly described as a "Short blade, damage 10 - 28"

Blunt Weapons[edit]

Name Skill Damage Buy Value Sell Value Acquisition
SK-icon-weapon-Club.png Club Club 3-4 15 5 Can be bought from shopkeeper Gravel Trothgar
SK-icon-weapon-Club.png Iron Club Blunt 4-5 38 13 Can be bought from shopkeeper Gravel Trothgar
SK-icon-weapon-Club.png Steel Club Blunt 5-6 78 27 Can be bought from shopkeeper Wendek Freetalker
SK-icon-weapon-Club.png Steel Flail Blunt 3-14 377 132 Can be bought from the weapons merchant in Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Club.png Ebony Warmace Blunt 7-26 4106 1437 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Club.png Daedric Warmace Blunt 3-30 4106 1437 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Club.png Penumbric Mace Blunt 2-33 5075 1776 Inside a chest in Lakvan's Stronghold
SK-icon-weapon-Bludgeon.png Bludgeon Blunt 1-9 55 19 Obtained from a chest in Delfran's Hideout in the room opposite Blanden Grizzle
SK-icon-weapon-Club.png Spire Thief Bludgeon Blunt 3-33 5617 1966 Can be bought from shopkeeper Gravel Trothgar and from the weapons merchant in Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Club.png Steel Mace Blunt 3-7 55 19 Can be bought from shopkeeper Wendek Freetalker
SK-icon-weapon-Club.png Silver Mace Blunt 4-8 107 37 Obtained from a pouch in Fearfrost II
SK-icon-weapon-Club.png Ebony Mace Blunt 3-16 562 197 Can be bought from the weapons merchant in Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Club.png Daedric Mace Blunt 6-16 953 334 Can be bought from the weapons merchant in Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Club.png Azra's Mace Blunt 4-42 13575 4751 Obtained from a display case in Crypt of Hearts II, along with other of Azra's items


Name Skill Damage Buy Value Sell Value Acquisition
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Steel Axe [a] Axe 4-14 463 162 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Ra' Gada Cleaver Axe 2-16 463 162 Can be bought from shopkeeper Egrian Stout
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Shade Cleaver Axe 10-50 35331 12366 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Steel War Axe Axe 1-20 806 282 Can be bought from shopkeeper Egrian Stout
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Dwarven War Axe Axe 1-24 1511 529 Can be bought from shopkeeper Egrian Stout
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Ebony War Axe Axe 1-37 6823 2388 Can be bought from the black market merchant in Dragonstar East
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Daedric War Axe Axe 2-44 13575 4751 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Shade War Axe Axe 6-70 108779 34255 Obtained from Crypt of Hearts I
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Ra' Gada Battle Axe Axe 6-25 3278 1147 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Iron Battle Axe Axe 2-32 4572 1600 Can be bought from shopkeeper Wendek Freetalker
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Dwarven Battle Axe Axe 2-35 6199 2170 Can be bought from shopkeeper Wendek Freetalker
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Double Battle Axe Axe 6-40 13575 4751 Can be bought from the black market merchant in Dragonstar East
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Daedric Battle Axe Axe 2-55 58869 21539 Obtained from Lakvan's Stronghold
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Iron Mace Axe 1-28 2578 902 Can be bought from the weapons merchant in Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Steel Flail Axe 1-32 4106 1437 Can be bought from the weapons merchant in Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Ra' Gada Warmace Axe 8-32 8207 3096 Obtained from a weapon rack in Broken Wing I
[a]This item is incorrectly described as having a damage range of 1-20


Name Type Damage Buy Value Sell Value Acquisition
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Iron Throwing Knife Thrown 2-3 9 3 Can be bought from shopkeeper Gravel Trothgar
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Steel Throwing Knife Thrown 2-4 17 6 Can be bought from the weapons merchant in Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Glass Throwing Knife Thrown 1-6 30 11 Can be bought from shopkeeper Gravel Trothgar
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Penumbric Throwing Knife Thrown 4-16 1353 474 Obtained from the Shadow Gate blocking the entrance to Geldwyr Manor, in the northern section of Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Steel Throwing Knife [a] Thrown 2-5 30 11 Can be bought from shopkeeper Gravel Trothgar
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Silver Throwing Knife [a] Thrown 4-5 76 27 Obtained from a pouch in Fearfrost Caverns
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Ebony Throwing Knife [a] Thrown 2-10 215 75 Found on a skeleton chained to a crystal in Fearfrost Caverns
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Daedric Throwing Knife [a] Thrown 2-12 374 131 Can be bought from shopkeeper Egrian Stout
SK-icon-weapon-Dagger.png Shadow Throwing Knife [a] Thrown 2-17 1125 394 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Bow.png Bandit Longbow Light Bow 3-9 215 75 Obtained from a weapon display in Delfran's Hideout
SK-icon-weapon-Bow.png Bandit Double-bow Medium Bow 4-20 2609 913 Can be bought from shopkeeper Egrian Stout
SK-icon-weapon-Bow.png Ra' Gada Longbow Medium Bow 5-30 10150 3553 Can be bought from the weapons merchant in Dragonstar West
SK-icon-weapon-Bow.png Spire Thief Longbow Medium Bow 6-36 19567 6848 Found on Spire Archers and can also be obtained from a weapon rack in Broken Wing I
SK-icon-weapon-Bow.png Daedric Longbow Medium Bow 2-50 42214 14775 (?)
SK-icon-weapon-Bow.png Steel Crossbow Medium Bow 16-24 16415 5745 Obtained from the quest Witch Tree 1. Can also be bought from shopkeeper Wendek Freetalker
SK-icon-weapon-Bow.png Dwarven Crossbow Medium Bow 26-34 70662 24732 Can be bought from shopkeeper Egrian Stout
[a]These items all have definition files clearly calling them "dart", but in-game they are called throwing knives. This means there are two varieties of Steel Throwing Knife.

Magic Weapons[edit]

Name Skill Damage Buy Value Sell Value Magic Effect Acquisition
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Spider Impaler Longblade 4-12 303 106 Damage is 4 - 22 vs. spiders Found in a chest in the northwest section of Earthtear Caverns
SK-icon-weapon-Sword.png Bled's Ebony Longsword[a] Longblade 4-37 8970 3140 Increases defense Dropped by Sergeant Bled in Broken Wing I
SK-icon-weapon-Axe.png Magicka Edge Axe Axe 6-64 61541 21539 20% Chance for +10 damage You can choose between this item or Spell Jewel from Raider's Nest in a chest
[a]This weapon is meant to have an enchant that increases the wielder's defenses but it doesn't actually function


  • Weapons all have only one physical appearance per weapon type.
  • Daggers and throwing knives share the same model.
  • Axes, maces, and swords use the same models as the steel weapons from Morrowind.
  • The dagger model would have originally had two points at each side of the crossguard, and a skull on its pommel, like the dagger model from Daggerfall.

Weapon Gallery[edit]

Weapon Animations[edit]