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Online:Infinite Archive Achievements

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ON-icon-achievecat-Infinite Archive.png


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Infinite Archive Challenger.png Infinite Archive Challenger 50 Complete various meta achievements inside Infinite Archive Title: The Unending
Body Marking: Mirrorscribe Body Markings
ON-icon-achievement-Triumphant Curator.png Triumphant Curator 50 Complete the listed achievements in the Infinite Archive Title: Lexiluminous
ON-icon-achievement-Infinitely Versed.png Infinitely Versed 50 Complete all of the unique Verses achievements. Memento: Summoned Booknado
ON-icon-achievement-Attentive Eye.png Attentive Eye 50 Complete all of the unique Vision achievements. Memento: Malkhest's Accursed Mirror
ON-icon-achievement-Leading the Charge.png Leading the Charge 50 Complete all of the Defeat Cycle Boss achievements in the Infinite Archive. Memento: Butcher Haefal's Accursed Knife
ON-icon-achievement-No Book Left Unread.png No Book Left Unread 50 Complete all Infinite Archive Optional Achievements. Title: The Well-Versed
ON-icon-achievement-Going Solo.png Going Solo 5 Complete 3 Stages without the aid of a companion or other player in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Who Needs Friends.png Who Needs Friends? 10 Complete 15 Stages without the aid of a companion or other player in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Me, Myself, and I.png Me, Myself, and I 15 Complete 60 stages without the aid of a companion or other player.
ON-icon-achievement-A Little Help Never Hurt.png A Little Help Never Hurt 5 Complete 3 Stages with a companion in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Companionable Combatant.png Companionable Combatant 10 Complete 15 Stages with a companion in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Companion Champion.png Companion Champion 15 Complete 60 stages with a companion.
ON-icon-achievement-A Stage for Two.png A Stage for Two 5 Complete 3 Stages with another player in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Infinite Camaraderie.png Infinite Camaraderie 10 Complete 15 Stages with another player in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Friends for Life.png Friends for Life 15 Complete 60 stages with another player.
ON-icon-achievement-Once More, Please.png Once More, Please 10 Complete the Replication Elimination daily quest 10 times.
ON-icon-achievement-First Splurge!.png First Splurge! 10 Spend 1,000 Archival Fortunes.
ON-icon-achievement-It's an Investment.png It's an Investment 15 Spend 10,000 Archival Fortunes.
ON-icon-achievement-Fortune's Flush.png Fortune's Flush 50 Spend 100,000 Archival Fortunes.
ON-icon-achievement-Favorite Customer.png Favorite Customer 50 Purchase all collectibles from the Infinite Archive Merchants.
ON-icon-achievement-Ichor Most Malevolent.png Ichor Most Malevolent 50 Acquire and use 50 Maligraphic Ichors. Mount: Maligraphic Mount
ON-icon-achievement-Scheming Skeevers.png Scheming Skeevers 15 Acquire and use 25 Disgusting Spoils. Non-Combat Pet: Maligraphic Skeever
ON-icon-achievement-Peer Into the Mirror Maze.png Peer Into the Mirror Maze 15 Acquire and use 20 Unreliable Archive Maps. Head Marking: Shattered Mirror Maze Face Marks
ON-icon-achievement-Walk Through the Mirror Maze.png Walk Through the Mirror Maze 15 Acquire and use 20 Erroneous Archive Maps Body Marking: Mirrorscribe Body Markings
ON-icon-achievement-Veteran of the Infinite.png Veteran of the Infinite 15 Acquire and use 20 Archival Enigmas. Head Marking: Veteran of the Infinite Face Art
ON-icon-achievement-Archival Veteran.png Archival Veteran 15 Acquire and use 20 Archival Riddles. Body Marking: Veteran of the Infinite Body Art

Tales of Tribute[edit]

Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Pact with the Inevitable Knower.png Pact with the Inevitable Knower 15 Collect the Hermaeus Mora Tales of Tribute deck. Tales of Tribute Patron: Hermaeus Mora
ON-icon-achievement-Fathomed the Fathomless.png Fathomed the Fathomless 10 Collect the upgraded cards from the Hermaeus Mora deck in Tales of Tribute.
ON-icon-achievement-Tentacles in Every Tavern.png Tentacles in Every Tavern 5 Use Hermaeus Mora's Patron power to acquire a card from the Tavern 10 times in match-made Tales of Tribute games. Tribute Card Upgrade: Seeker Aspirant
ON-icon-achievement-Metrand Met His Match.png Metrand Met His Match 15 Defeat Tribute Master Metrand in a game of Tribute. Tribute Card Upgrade: Chromatic Reservoir


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Infinite Archive Conqueror.png Infinite Archive Conqueror 50 Defeat the final evolution of Tho'at Replicanum Title: Inkslayer
ON-icon-achievement-Knock 'em Down a Peg.png Knock 'em Down a Peg 10 Defeat one of the Marauders in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Marauder Slaughter.png Marauder Slaughter 15 Encounter and defeat Marauder Gothmau, Marauder Ulmor, and Marauder Hikarax in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Alert and Able.png Alert and Able 15 Encounter and defeat Marauder Bittog and Marauder Zulfimbul in the Infinite Archive
ON-icon-achievement-Gifted and Accomplished.png Gifted and Accomplished 10 Acquire 8 specific and unique Verses in the Infinite Archive. Head Markings: Archival Access Face Tattoos
ON-icon-achievement-Prepared Foresight.png Prepared Foresight 10 Acquire 10 specific and unique Visions in the Infinite Archive. Body Markings: Archival Access Body Tattoos
ON-icon-achievement-I Crave Violence.png I Crave Violence 10 Acquire 16 specific and unique Offensive Verses in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-You Can't Touch Me.png You Can't Touch Me 10 Acquire 16 specific and unique Defensive Verses in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Viable and Versatile.png Viable and Versatile 10 Acquire 11 specific and unique Utility Verses in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Visions of Violence.png Visions of Violence 10 Acquire 16 specific and unique Offensive Visions.
ON-icon-achievement-Infinite Defender.png Infinite Defender 10 Acquire 16 specific and unique Defensive Visions.
ON-icon-achievement-Seeing the Big Picture.png Seeing the Big Picture 10 Acquire 15 specific and unique Utility Visions.
ON-icon-achievement-Keeping It Cool.png Keeping It Cool 15 Acquire all Ice Avatar Visions and then acquire the Ice Avatar Verse.
ON-icon-achievement-Howling with Rage.png Howling with Rage 15 Acquire all Werewolf Behemoth Visions and then acquire the Werewolf Behemoth Verse.
ON-icon-achievement-Cadaverous Crusader.png Cadaverous Crusader 10 Acquire all Visions in the Necrotic Set and then acquire the Undead Avatar Verse in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Molten Measures.png Molten Measures 15 Acquire all Iron Atronach Visions and then acquire the Iron Atronach Verse.
ON-icon-achievement-Battle Ready.png Battle Ready 5 Acquire 5 Offensive Verses or Visions.
ON-icon-achievement-Armed Onslaught.png Armed Onslaught 10 Acquire 25 Offensive Verses or Visions.
ON-icon-achievement-Mora's Onslaught.png Mora's Onslaught 15 Acquire 75 Offensive Verses or Visions.
ON-icon-achievement-A Sturdy Shield.png A Sturdy Shield 5 Acquire 5 Defensive Verses or Visions.
ON-icon-achievement-Forceful Fortifications.png Forceful Fortifications 10 Acquire 25 Defensive Verses or Visions.
ON-icon-achievement-Under Mora's Protection.png Under Mora's Protection 15 Acquire 75 Defensive Verses or Visions.
ON-icon-achievement-Studying Up.png Studying Up 5 Acquire 5 Utility Verses or Visions.
ON-icon-achievement-Unorthodox Approach.png Unorthodox Approach 10 Acquire 25 Utility Verses or Visions.
ON-icon-achievement-Power Practicum.png Power Practicum 15 Acquire 75 Utility Verses or Visions.
ON-icon-achievement-Archive's Most Adored.png Archive's Most Adored 10 Encounter the following factions within the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Heavy Hitter.png Heavy Hitter 10 Defeat 1,000 Maligraphies within the Infinite Archive Stages.
ON-icon-achievement-Monster Mercenary.png Monster Mercenary 15 Defeat 2,000 Maligraphies within the Infinite Archive Stages.
ON-icon-achievement-Fortune's Soldier.png Fortune's Soldier 50 Defeat 5,000 Maligraphies within the Infinite Archive Stages.
ON-icon-achievement-Fabled Foil.png Fabled Foil 50 Defeat 500 Fabled in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Proof of Ability.png Proof of Ability 5 Defeat 1 Boss in the Infinite Archive during the first Arc.
ON-icon-achievement-Infinite Endurance.png Infinite Endurance 10 Defeat 50 Bosses in the Infinite Archive within the first Arc.
ON-icon-achievement-Running the Gauntlet.png Running the Gauntlet 15 Defeat 100 Bosses in the Infinite Archive within the first Arc.
ON-icon-achievement-Back for Seconds.png Back for Seconds 5 Defeat 1 Boss or Marauder in the Infinite Archive within the second Arc.
ON-icon-achievement-Boss Basher.png Boss Basher 10 Defeat 30 Bosses and Marauders in the Infinite Archive within the second Arc.
ON-icon-achievement-Watch Them Fall.png Watch Them Fall 15 Defeat 50 Bosses and Marauders in the Infinite Archive within the second Arc.
ON-icon-achievement-Still Standing.png Still Standing 10 Defeat 1 Boss or Marauder in the Infinite Archive within the third Arc.
ON-icon-achievement-Decisive Dispatch.png Decisive Dispatch 15 Defeat 15 Bosses and Marauders in the Infinite Archive within the third Arc.
ON-icon-achievement-Outstanding Onslaught.png Outstanding Onslaught 50 Defeat 30 Bosses and Marauders in the Infinite Archive within the third Arc.
ON-icon-achievement-Furious Fighter.png Furious Fighter 10 Defeat 1 Boss or Marauder in the Infinite Archive within the fourth Arc.
ON-icon-achievement-Slaying the Hordes.png Slaying the Hordes 15 Defeat 10 Bosses and Marauders in the Infinite Archive within the fourth Arc.
ON-icon-achievement-Infinite Arc's End.png Infinite Arc's End 50 Defeat 20 Bosses and Marauders in the Infinite Archive within the fourth Arc.
ON-icon-achievement-Ghostly Revenge.png Ghostly Revenge 5 Complete your first quest for Esalinwe in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Vindictive Dedication.png Vindictive Dedication 10 Complete 10 quests for Esalinwe in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Infinite Avenger.png Infinite Avenger 15 Complete 30 quests for Esalinwe in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-achievement-Infinite Archive Vanquisher.png Infinite Archive Vanquisher 10 Defeat Tho'at once.
ON-icon-achievement-You Again.png You Again 15 Defeat Tho'at 10 times.
ON-icon-achievement-Replicable Results.png Replicable Results 50 Defeat Tho'at 50 times. Head Marking: Mirrorscribe Face Markings
ON-icon-achievement-Destined Dungeoneer.png Destined Dungeoneer 15 Complete 150 Stages at or above Arc 2.
ON-icon-achievement-Arcing Onward.png Arcing Onward 50 Reach Arc 4. Arc Master MossArc Master Moss
ON-icon-achievement-Word Waltzer.png Word Waltzer 15 Complete all quests related to the Destozuno's Library optional content. Destozuno's Safety Net 003000030,000Archival Fortunes
ON-icon-achievement-Hidden Prowess.png Hidden Prowess 15 Complete all difficulties related to the Theater of War's optional content. Aramril's Training 001000010,000Archival Fortunes
ON-icon-achievement-Ghostlight Gatherer.png Ghostlight Gatherer 15 Complete all difficulties of the Echoing Den optional content. Ghostly Gratitude 001000010,000Archival Fortunes
ON-icon-achievement-Kidding Around.png Kidding Around 15 Complete all difficulties related to the Haefal's Butchery optional content. Sweeter Deal 002500025,000Archival Fortunes
ON-icon-achievement-Mind over Magick.png Mind over Magick 15 Completed all difficulties related to the Treacherous Crossing optional content. Tentacular Motivation 001000010,000Archival Fortunes
ON-icon-achievement-Eye See You!.png Eye See You! 15 Complete all difficulties related to the Filer's Wing optional content. Filer Kor's Truesight 002500025,000Archival Fortunes
ON-icon-achievement-Pilfered Pilfer.png Pilfered Pilfer 15 Kill Gw the Pilferer 5 times.