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Online:Starter Zone Achievements

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Bleakrock Isle & Bal Foyen[edit]

Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Imperial Arena Champion (desktop).png Hero of Bleakrock 10 Find Bleakrock's missing villagers and send them home. Atmoran Eagle Totem Medallion (page) (000030003,000 Gold),
Atmoran Snake Totem Medallion (page) (000030003,000 Gold),
Atmoran Whale Totem Medallion (page) (000030003,000 Gold)
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Bleakrock and Bal Foyen Explorer 15 Discover all of the striking locales on Bleakrock and Bal Foyen. Netch Jelly BlueNetch Jelly Blue
ON-icon-achievement-Discover Locales.png Bal Foyen Pathfinder 5 Discover all of the striking locales in Bal Foyen.
ON-icon-achievement-Discover Locales.png Bleakrock Isle Pathfinder 5 Discover all of the striking locales on Bleakrock Isle.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Bal Foyen Skyshard Hunter 5 Find all 3 Skyshards in Bal Foyen.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Bleakrock Skyshard Hunter 5 Find all 3 Skyshards in Bleakrock.
ON-icon-fish-Slaughterfish.png Bleakrock Angler 5 Catch a rare Inner Sea Scalyfin fish in the saltwaters of Bleakrock.

Khenarthi's Roost[edit]

Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Gauntlets.png Maormer's Bane 10 Stop the Maormer from summoning a hurricane to destroy Khenarthi's Roost. Maormer Totem (page) (0001000010,000 Gold))
ON-icon-achievement-Discover Locales.png Khenarthi's Roost Pathfinder 5 Discover all of the striking locales on Khenarthi's Roost. Khenarthi RedKhenarthi Red
ON-icon-food-Beer.png Skooma Watch 5 Intervene in all instances of skooma abuse on Khenarthi's Roost.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Khenarthi's Skyshard Hunter 10 Find all 6 Skyshards in Khenarthi's Roost.
ON-icon-fish-Slaughterfish.png Khenarthi's Roost Angler 5 Catch a rare Pyandonean Ray in the saltwaters of Khenarthi's Roost.

Stros M'Kai & Betnikh[edit]

Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Group Challenge.png Famed Recruiter 10 Recruit all three famous privateers on Stros M'Kai. Pirate Banner (page) (0001000010,000 Gold))
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Stros M'kai and Betnikh Explorer 15 Discover all of the striking locales on Stros M'kai and Betnikh. Hunding GoldHunding Gold
ON-icon-achievement-Discover Locales.png Stros M'kai Pathfinder 5 Discover all of the striking locales on Stros M'kai.
ON-icon-achievement-Discover Locales.png Betnikh Pathfinder 5 Discover all of the striking locales on Betnikh.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Betnikh Skyshard Hunter 5 Find all 3 Skyshards in Betnikh.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Stros M'Kai Skyshard Hunter 5 Find all 3 Skyshards in Stros M'Kai.
ON-icon-fish-Slaughterfish.png Stros M'Kai Angler 5 Catch a rare Eltheric Grouper in the saltwaters of Stros M'Kai.