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Online:Hunter's Eye

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ON-icon-skill-Wood Elf-Hunter's Eye.png Hunter's Eye
Line Wood Elf
Skill Rank Line Rank
Rank I 1 5
Rank II 2 15
Rank III 3 30
Hunter's Eye I: Increases your Stealth Detection radius by 1 meter. Increases your Movement Speed by 1% and your Physical and Spell Penetration by 300.
Hunter's Eye II: Increases your Stealth Detection radius by 2 meters. Increases your Movement Speed by 3% and your Physical and Spell Penetration by 600.
Hunter's Eye III: Increases your Stealth Detection radius by 3 meters. Increases your Movement Speed by 5% and your Physical and Spell Penetration by 950.

Hunter's Eye increases your ability to detect enemies in stealth, and increases your Movement Speed, Physical Penetration, and Spell Penetration


  • Prior to Update 21, this ability was known as "Stealthy", and reduced your ability to be detected rather than increasing your ability to detect others. It also increased your damage done while in stealth instead of giving you a speed boost and penetration bonuses when Roll Dodging. This update also changed the level requirements from 25, 35, and 50 to 5, 15, and 30. It was likely renamed to avoid confusion with the Khajiit skill of the same name, itself replaced with Lunar Blessings.
  • In Update 29, the bonuses to Movement Speed, Physical Penetration, and Spell Penetration became permanent effects. Prior to this update, those bonuses were only active for 6 seconds after activating Roll Dodge.

Patch Notes[edit]

  • Stealthy: Reduces detection Radius by 3m and Increases Damage Done in Stealth by 10% → Hunter's Eye: Increases your Stealth detection radius by 3m. After you use Roll Dodge you gain 10% Movement Speed for 6 seconds and a bonus to Physical and Spell Penetration of 1500 for the duration.
    • Developer Comment: Previously if you weren't able to utilize Stealth, you lost a large portion of effectiveness that Wood Elves provided, so we've put the bulk of their power into their flat bonuses to Stamina and recovery. We also wanted to have more of a distinct play pattern on how Wood Elves and Khajiit both engaged with Stealth, so we've repurposed Wood Elves' passive into one that deals with turning their proficiency of Stealth into a proficiency of hunting Stealthed targets. Additionally, since Stealth is not always engaged with at the same rate across the game, we added a small boon to when you activate Roll Dodge to help enhance mobility and offensive turning power in order to slip to safety or reposition for an unexpected attack.
  • The Movement Speed and Armor Penetration granted from this passive no longer require you to Roll Dodge to gain, and instead are permanent effects.
  • Decreased the Movement Speed bonus to 5%, down from 10%.
  • Decreased the Armor Penetration granted to 950, down from 1500.