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High Isle

Online:Tales of Tribute

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Information on how the game works/how to play
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Loading screen depicting people playing Tales of Tribute

Tales of Tribute is a two-player deck-building card game released with the High Isle chapter. Although originating on the Systres archipelago, the game has become popular all over Tamriel.

Tales of Tribute has both singleplayer and multiplayer modes. You can challenge NPCs of the Roister's Club in order to hone your skills, or you can play with other players.

For more information, see the main lore article.


Tales of Tribute Patrons
ON-tribute-patron-Ansei Frandar Hunding.png
Ansei Frandar Hunding
ON-tribute-patron-Druid King.png
Druid King Kasorayn
ON-tribute-patron-Blackfeather Court.png
Duke of Crows
ON-tribute-patron-House Hlaalu.png
Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu
ON-tribute-patron-Hermaeus Mora.png
Hermaeus Mora
Psijic Loremaster Celarus
Rajhin, the Purring Liar
ON-tribute-patron-Red Eagle.png
Red Eagle, King of the Reach
ON-tribute-patron-Saint Alessia.png
Saint Alessia
ON-tribute-patron-Saint Pelin.png
Saint Pelin
Sorcerer-King Orgnum

How to Play[edit]

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For more information, see the help files, the style guide, and this article's talk page.



Tales of Tribute Story[edit]

  • A New Venture: Continue learning Tales of Tribute
  • The Tournament Begins: As the Tales of Tribute Tournament begins, you become better acquainted with your Gonfalon Bay teammates. - Requires Novice rank in Tales of Tribute to start
  • Challenges of the Past: Sorinne Gaerard's past comes back to haunt her during the second round of the Tournament. - Requires Adept rank in Tales of Tribute to start
  • The Final Round: Master Razhamad needs your assistance in the final round of the Tournament to help Brahgas. - Requires Veteran rank in Tales of Tribute to start

Daily Quests[edit]


Each of the following Clues are a possible reward from from winning Tales of Tribute matches:

Roister's Club[edit]

The Founders[edit]

The Grand Masters[edit]



Some ToT furnishings are awarded by completing achievements, and others are found within Tribute Victory coffers:


Roister's Club ranks[edit]

Rank Name RP to
Next Rank
Total RP
for Rank
Unlocks Card Other Unlocks
1 Initiate 900 0 Four starter decks A New Venture quest & can challenge Novice NPCs
2 Trainee 2220 900 Toll of Silver card
3 Novice 2880 3120 Ebony Mine card The Tournament Begins quest
4 Regular 3420 6000 Augur's Counsel card Can challenge Proficient NPCs
5 Adept 3720 9420 Imperial Plunder card Challenges of the Past quest
6 Expert 3900 13140 Prowling Shadow card Can challenge Expert NPCs
7 Veteran 4020 17040 Pyandonean War Fleet card The Final Round quest & can challenge 3/5 Founders
8 Master 21060 Hel Shira Herald card Cardsharp Crimson dye, Tales of Tribute Table, Display furnishing & can challenge remaining Founders

Challenging and winning against a Novice NPC will earn you 45 Rank Points. Challenging and winning against a Proficient NPC will earn you 60 Rank Points. Challenging and winning against an Expert NPC will earn you 75 Rank Points.

Challenging and winning against a player in either queue will earn you 195 Rank Points. Challenging and losing against a player in either queue will earn you 30 Rank Points.

Completing all three tiers of Kishka's and Marunji's daily quests will earn you 75 rank points apiece, with lower tiers earning less points.

Defeating any of the Tribute Founders or Tribute Grand Masters will earn you 180 Rank Points apiece, and 90 for each victory afterwards.

Competitive Tiers[edit]

The competitive tier system is based on "ranked competitive" games played against players via the "Group and Activity Finder" queue. All players begin on the "Unranked" tier until they have played five games. After the fifth game, the player is assigned on one of the higher tiers based on the win/loss ratio of the five initial games.

At the end of each competitive season, rewards are sent out. Prior to Update 35, the tiers and leaderboards were completely reset.

The top 100 players can be seen on the leaderboard (under "Quest Journal"). Unlike other leaderboards, Tales of Tribute ranking is account-wide, not character-based, so lists the account ID instead of character names. It makes no difference which character plays, as long as that character has unlocked Tribute. Achieving Rubedite tier is necessary to get to the leaderboard.

Players will either gain or lose between 0 and 210Unknown what maximum is. points per match, depending on if they win or lose. You need 1000 points to go up a rank. You cannot go down a rank.

  • Unranked
  • Orichalcum
  • Ebony
  • Quicksilver
  • Voidsteel
  • Rubedite

NPC Roister's Club ranks[edit]

  • Novice (requires the rank of Initiate or higher to challenge)
  • Proficient (requires the rank of Regular or higher to challenge)
  • Expert (requires the rank of Expert to challenge)
  • Grand Tribute Master (reserved to the Founders)
  • Tribute Master (unique to The Author)


  • Roister's Purse - One of these is mailed as a reward for playing a game of Tribute, even though the game resulted in a loss.
This bag was awarded to you for playing a game of Tales of Tribute.
  • Cardsharp's Purse - One of these is mailed as a reward for winning an Unranked Tales of Tribute game against another player, for winning a Tales of Tribute game against an NPC, for each win (up to three) in the Cards Across the Continent daily quest through Kishka. Returning to Kishka to complete the Daily quest after completing and winning only 1 game rewards this Purse. You will also receive one for your second victory of the day through the queue and every subsequent victory in the unranked queue.
This bag was awarded to you for your victory in Tales of Tribute.
  • Victor's Purse - One of these is mailed as a reward for winning a Ranked Tales of Tribute game against another player, for each win (up to three) in the Dueling Tributes daily quest through Marunji. Returning to Kishka to complete the Daily quest after completing and winning only 2 games rewards this Purse. Returning to Marunji to complete the Daily quest after completing and winning only 1 game rewards this Purse. You will also receive one for your second victory of the day through the queue and every subsequent victory in the ranked queue.
This bag was awarded to you for your stalwart victory in Tales of Tribute.
  • Patron's Purse - Returning to Kishka to complete the Daily quest after completing and winning all 3 games rewards this Purse. Returning to Marunji to complete the Daily quest after completing and winning only 2 games rewards this Purse.
This bag was awarded to you for your skilled victory in Tales of Tribute.
  • Master's Purse - Returning to Marunji to complete the Daily quest after completing and winning all 3 games rewards this Purse. You will also receive one for your first victory of the day through the queue, either in ranked or unranked.
This bag was awarded to you for your tremendous victory in Tales of Tribute.

The purses can contain the following items:


Locations can be found on the Roister Club page.


  • You cannot play Tales of Tribute while swimming.

See Also[edit]

