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Morrowind:Arvel Plantation

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Arvel Plantation
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Hlaalu, Slaves
Console Location Code(s)
Arvel Plantation, Arvel Manor
Arvel Plantation, Slavemaster's Shack
Arvel Plantation, Slave Shack
Arvel Plantation, Storage Shack
Ascadian Isles, [2,-6]
Arvel Plantation

Arvel Plantation is a large plantation between Pelagiad and Suran.

The plantation is the home of Hlaalu nobleman Rovone Arvel, and it is the source of his wealth and influence. Affairs appear to be going well judging by the amount of exquisite clothing on display by the nobles. Slaves work the fields, where one of the primary crops is corkbulb root.

Since there is no key, there is no direct way to free these slaves. You can use the spell Command Humanoid on the slaves and lead them to a place where a key exists, then free them. Nearby Dren Plantation comes to mind.

Related Quests[edit]

Arvel Plantation Manor

Imperial Cult[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]

  • Sealed Orders: Deliver some suspicious orders to the Hlaalu Vault clerk in Vivec.
  • Erroneous Documents: Replace some "erroneous" land deeds with fake ones in the Hlaalu Records Office in Vivec.
  • Rent and Taxes: Collect some rent and taxes from two farmers, or simply kill them if they refuse.


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location
Affri Female Khajiit Slave 2 46 82 0 0 Outside
Breyns Randas Male Dark Elf Noble House Hlaalu Retainer(Retainer) 5 63 92 90 30 Outside
Dredase Arvel Male Dark Elf Noble House Hlaalu Oathman(Oathman) 5 63 92 90 30 Arvel Manor
J'Kara Male Khajiit Slave 2 46 82 0 0 Outside
Kal-Ma Female Argonian Slave 2 46 102 0 0 Outside
Kasa Female Argonian Slave 2 46 102 0 0 Outside
Ma'Dara Male Khajiit Slave 2 46 82 0 0 Outside
Relyn Sarano Male Dark Elf Drillmaster House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 4 60 104 90 30 Outside
Rovone Arvel Male Dark Elf Noble House Hlaalu Oathman(Oathman) 7 76 100 90 30 Outside
Sedrane Arvel Male Dark Elf Noble House Hlaalu Retainer(Retainer) 6 69 96 90 30 Outside
Shatalg Female Argonian Slave 2 46 102 0 0 Outside
Talare Arvel Female Dark Elf Noble House Hlaalu Lawman(Lawman) 7 71 100 90 30 Arvel Manor
Urene Arvel Female Dark Elf Noble House Hlaalu Oathman(Oathman) 5 58 92 90 30 Arvel Manor