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Morrowind:Armor, by Body Area

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Cuirass Helmet Pauldrons Greaves Boots Gauntlets/Bracers Shields

Note that the Enchant values shown here are as used in-game. The construction set uses these values times ten for increased precision. A fraction value shown here will be displayed truncated in-game.


Light Cuirass[edit]

Nordic Bearskin, Nordic Fur, Netch Leather, Boiled Netch Leather,
Chitin, Imperial Studded Leather, Imperial Newtscale, Glass
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Nordic Bearskin Cuirass Nordic Bearskin Cuirass fur_bearskin_cuirass 9.0 150 35 5 6
Nordic Fur Cuirass Nordic Fur Cuirass fur_cuirass 9.0 150 35 5 6
Netch Leather Cuirass Netch Leather Cuirass netch_leather_cuirass 12.0 150 35 5 6
Boiled Netch Leather Cuirass Boiled Netch Leather Cuirass netch_leather_boiled_cuirass 12.0 210 47 7 6
Chitin Cuirass Chitin Cuirass chitin cuirass 6.0 300 45 10 10
Imperial Studded Leather Cuirass Imperial Studded Leather Cuiras imperial_studded_cuirass 9.0 300 65 10 6
Imperial Newtscale Cuirass Imperial Newtscale Cuirass newtscale_cuirass 9.0 300 100 10 10
Glass Cuirass Glass Cuirass glass_cuirass 18.0 1,500 28,000 50 12

Medium Cuirass[edit]

Nordic Ringmail, Imperial Chain, Bonemold, Armun-An Bonemold, Gah-Julan Bonemold,
Imperial Dragonscale, Orcish, Dreugh, Indoril
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Nordic Ringmail Cuirass Nordic Ringmail Cuirass nordic_ringmail_cuirass 21.0 300 80 10 14
Imperial Chain Cuirass Imperial Chain Cuirass* imperial_chain_cuirass 21.0 300 90 12 14
Bonemold Cuirass Bonemold Cuirass
Armun-An Bonemold Cuirass
24.0 480 350 16 16
Gah-Julan Bonemold Cuirass Gah-Julan Bonemold Cuirass bonemold_gah-julan_cuirass 24.0 510 360 17 16
Imperial Dragonscale Cuirass Imperial Dragonscale Cuirass dragonscale_cuirass 24.0 600 340 20 16
Orcish Cuirass Orcish Cuirass orcish_cuirass 26.5 900 2,800 30 24
Dreugh Cuirass Dreugh Cuirass dreugh_cuirass 27.0 1,200 5,250 40 18
Indoril Cuirass Indoril Cuirass** indoril cuirass 27.0 1,350 7,000 45 18

* Can be used as a uniform if you are a member of the Imperial Legion.
** Wearing the Indoril Cuirass will earn you the wrath of the Ordinators if you talk to them. (This includes those who talk to you if they are trying to arrest you.) Once you have been thus marked, every Ordinator you see from then on will try to kill you. There is no way to stop them once this happens, so be careful where you wear this armor.

Heavy Cuirass[edit]

Iron, Steel, Nordic Iron, Imperial Steel, Nordic Trollbone, Imperial Silver,
Imperial Templar Knight, Duke's Guard Silver, Dwemer, Ebony, Daedric
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Iron Cuirass Iron Cuirass iron_cuirass 30.0 200 70 10 20
Steel Cuirass Steel Cuirass steel_cuirass 30.0 450 150 15 20
Nordic Iron Cuirass Nordic Iron Cuirass nordic_iron_cuirass 35.0 480 130 16 20
Imperial Steel Cuirass Imperial Steel Cuirass* imperial cuirass_armor 29.0 460 150 16 20
Nordic Trollbone Cuirass Nordic Trollbone Cuirass trollbone_cuirass 32.0 540 165 18 16
Imperial Silver Cuirass Imperial Silver Cuirass* silver_cuirass 30.0 540 280 18 16
Imperial Templar Knight Cuirass Imperial Templar Knight Cuirass* templar_cuirass 30.0 540 175 18 20
Duke's Guard Silver Cuirass Duke's Guard Silver Cuirass* silver_dukesguard_cuirass 30.0 600 350 20 16
Dwemer Cuirass Dwemer Cuirass dwemer_cuirass 30.0 600 1,050 20 20
Ebony Cuirass Ebony Cuirass ebony_cuirass 60.0 1,800 35,000 60 40
Daedric Cuirass Daedric Cuirass daedric_cuirass 90.0 2,400 70,000 80 60

* These armors may be used as uniforms if you are a member of the Imperial Legion.


Light Helmet[edit]

Chitin, Colovian Fur, Glass, Netch Leather
Boiled Netch Leather, Nordic Fur
Morag Tong, Redoran Watchman's, Telvanni Cephalopod, Telvanni Dust Adept, Telvanni Mole Crab
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Chitin Helm Chitin Helm
Chitin Mask Helm
chitin helm
1.0 100 19 10 12.5
Colovian Fur Helm Colovian Fur Helm fur_colovian_helm 2.0 70 25 7 7.5
Glass Helm Glass Helm glass_helm 3.0 500 12,000 50 15
Netch Leather Helm Netch Leather Helm netch_leather_helm 3.0 50 15 5 7.5
Boiled Netch Leather Helm Boiled Netch Leather Helm netch_leather_boiled_helm 3.0 70 17 7 7.5
Nordic Fur Helm Nordic Fur Helm fur_helm 1.5 50 15 5 7.5
Morag Tong Helm Morag Tong Helm morag_tong_helm 3.0 120 20 12 20
Redoran Watchman's Helm Redoran Watchman's Helm chitin_watchman_helm 1.0 110 24 11 12.5
Telvanni Cephalopod Helm Telvanni Cephalopod Helm cephalopod_helm 2.0 80 50 8 100
Telvanni Dust Adept Helm Telvanni Dust Adept Helm dust_adept_helm 1.5 50 30 5 25
Telvanni Mole Crab Helm Telvanni Mole Crab Helm mole_crab_helm 2.0 60 19 6 50

Can be worn by beast races.

Medium Helmet[edit]

Bonemold, Dreugh, Imperial Chain Coif, Imperial Dragonscale, Indoril, Orcish
Gondolier's, Armun-An Bonemold, Chuzei Bonemold, Gah-Julan Bonemold, Redoran Master
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Bonemold Helm Bonemold Helm
Redoran Founder's Helm
180 150 18 20
Dreugh Helm Dreugh Helm† dreugh_helm 4.5 400 2,250 40 22.5
Imperial Chain Coif Imperial Chain Coif imperial_chain_coif_helm 3.5 100 35 10 17.5
Imperial Dragonscale Helm Imperial Dragonscale Helm dragonscale_helm 4.0 200 130 20 20
Indoril Helmet Indoril Helmet** indoril helmet 4.5 450 3,000 45 22.5
Orcish Helm Orcish Helm orcish_helm 4.4 300 1,200 30 30
Gondolier's Helm Gondolier's Helm* gondolier_helm 4.0 100 10 1 10
Native Armun-An Bonemold Helm Native Armun-An Bonemold Helm bonemold_armun-an_helm 4.0 180 150 18 20
Native Chuzei Bonemold Helm Native Chuzei Bonemold Helm bonemold_chuzei_helm 4.0 170 175 17 20
Native Gah-Julan Bonemold Helm Native Gah-Julan Bonemold Helm bonemold_gah-julan_helm 4.0 160 165 16 20
Redoran Master Helm Redoran Master Helm redoran_master_helm 4.5 450 3,000 45 22.5

* Can only be found worn by the five gondoliers in Vivec.
** Wearing the Indoril Helmet will earn you the wrath of the Ordinators if you talk to them. (This includes those who talk to you if they are trying to arrest you.) Once you have been thus marked, every Ordinator you see from then on will try to kill you. There is no way to stop them once this happens, so be careful where you wear this armor.
Can be worn by beast races.

Heavy Helmet[edit]

Dwemer, Ebony Closed, Imperial Silver, Imperial Steel
Iron, Steel
Daedric Face of God, Inspiration, and Terror
Nordic Iron, Nordic Trollbone
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Dwemer Helm Dwemer Helm dwemer_helm 5.0 200 450 20 25
Ebony Closed Helm Ebony Closed Helm ebony_closed_helm 10.0 600 15,000 60 50
Imperial Silver Helm Imperial Silver Helm silver_helm 5.0 170 120 17 20
Imperial Steel Helmet Imperial Steel Helmet* imperial helmet armor 5.0 160 70 16 25
Iron Helmet Iron Helmet iron_helmet 5.0 100 30 10 2.5
Steel Helm Steel Helm steel_helm 5.0 150 60 15 25
Imperial Templar Helmet Imperial Templar Helmet templar_helmet_armor 5.0 180 75 18 25
Daedric Face of God Daedric Face of God daedric_god_helm 15.0 800 15,000 80 75
Daedric Face of Inspiration Daedric Face of Inspiration daedric_fountain_helm 15.0 650 13,000 65 75
Daedric Face of Terror Daedric Face of Terror daedric_terrifying_helm 15.0 750 14,000 75 75
Nordic Iron Helm Nordic Iron Helm nordic_iron_helm 8.0 160 50 16 25
Nordic Trollbone Helm Nordic Trollbone Helm trollbone_helm 8.0 180 65 18 20

* May be found in cursed variety. See Cursed Items for details.
Can be worn by beast races.


Light Pauldrons[edit]

Chitin, Glass
Netch Leather, Nordic Fur
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Chitin Pauldron Chitin Left Pauldron
Chitin Right Pauldron
chitin pauldron - left
chitin pauldron - right
2.0 100 16 10 1
Glass Pauldron Glass Left Pauldron
Glass Right Pauldron
3.0 500 9,600 50 1.5
Netch Leather Pauldron Netch Leather Left Pauldron
Netch Leather Right Pauldron
4.0 50 12 5 1
Nordic Fur Pauldron Nordic Fur Left Pauldron
Nordic Fur Right Pauldron
3.0 50 12 5 1

Medium Pauldrons[edit]

Bonemold, Armun-An Bonemold
Gah-Julan Bonemold, Indoril
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Bonemold Pauldron Bonemold L Pauldron
Bonemold R Pauldron
8.0 150 120 15 1.6
Armun-An Bonemold Pauldron Armun-An Bonemold L Pauldron
Armun-An Bonemold R Pauldron
8.0 150 120 15 1.6
Gah-Julan Bonemold Pauldron Gah-Julan Bonemold L Pauldron
Gah-Julan Bonemold R Pauldron
8.0 170 140 17 1.6
Indoril Pauldron Indoril Left Pauldron
Indoril Right Pauldron
indoril pauldron left
indoril pauldron right
9.0 450 2,400 45 1
Orcish Pauldron Orcish Left Pauldron
Orcish Right Pauldron
8.0 300 960 30 2.4

Heavy Pauldrons[edit]

Daedric, Dwemer
Ebony, Imperial Chain
Imperial Steel, Imperial Templar
Iron, Steel
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Dwemer Pauldron Dwemer Left Pauldron
Dwemer Right Pauldron
10.0 200 360 20 4
Daedric Pauldron Daedric Left Pauldron
Daedric Right Pauldron
30.0 800 24,000 80 6
Ebony Pauldron Ebony Left Pauldron
Ebony Right Pauldron
20.0 600 12,000 60 4
Imperial Chain Pauldron Imperial Chain Left Pauldron
Imperial Chain Right Pauldron
10.0 200 28 20 7
Imperial Steel Pauldron Imperial Steel Left Pauldron
Imperial Steel Right Pauldron
imperial left pauldron
imperial right pauldron
10.0 160 53 16 2
Imperial Templar Pauldron Imperial Templar Left Pauldron
Imperial Templar Right Pauldron
10.0 180 60 18 2
Iron Pauldron Iron Left Pauldron
Iron Right Pauldron
10.0 100 24 10 2
Steel Pauldron Steel Left Pauldron
Steel Right Pauldron
10.0 150 48 15 2


Light Greaves[edit]

Chitin, Glass, Netch Leather, Nordic Fur
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Chitin Greaves Chitin Greaves chitin greaves 5.4 100 29 10 1.3
Glass Greaves Glass Greaves glass_greaves 9.0 500 17,600 50 10
Netch Leather Greaves Netch Leather Greaves netch_leather_greaves 7.0 50 22 5 1
Nordic Fur Greaves Nordic Fur Greaves fur_greaves 5.4 50 22 5 1

Medium Greaves[edit]

Bonemold, Imperial Chain, Orcish
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Bonemold Greaves Bonemold Greaves bonemold_greaves 13.4 150 220 15 2
Imperial Chain Greaves Imperial Chain Greaves imperial_chain_greaves 10.0 200 50 20 7
Orcish Greaves Orcish Greaves orcish_greaves 13.45 300 1,760 30 3

Heavy Greaves[edit]

Daedric, Dwemer, Ebony
Imperial Steel, Imperial Templar, Iron, Steel
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Daedric Greaves Daedric Greaves daedric_greaves 54.0 800 44,000 80 7.5
Dwemer Greaves Dwemer Greaves dwemer_greaves 18.0 200 660 20 2.5
Ebony Greaves Ebony Greaves ebony_greaves 36.0 600 22,000 60 5
Imperial Steel Greaves Imperial Steel Greaves imperial_greaves 17.0 170 98 16 2.5
Imperial Templar Greaves Imperial Templar Greaves templar_greaves 18.0 180 110 18 2.5
Iron Greaves Iron Greaves iron_greaves 18.0 100 44 10 2.5
Steel Greaves Steel Greaves steel_greaves 18.0 150 88 15 2.5


Light Boots[edit]

Chitin, Glass, Heavy Leather, Netch Leather, Nordic Fur
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Chitin Boots Chitin Boots chitin boots 6.0 100 13 10 4.4
Glass Boots Glass Boots glass_boots 3.0 500 8,000 50 10
Heavy Leather Boots Heavy Leather Boots heavy_leather_boots 8.0 500 100 50 2.6
Netch Leather Boots Netch Leather Boots netch_leather_boots 8.0 50 10 5 2.6
Nordic Fur Boots Nordic Fur Boots fur_boots 6.0 50 10 5 2.6

Medium Boots[edit]

Bonemold, Indoril, Orcish
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Bonemold Boots Bonemold Boots bonemold_boots 16.0 160 100 15 7
Indoril Boots Indoril Boots indoril boots 18.0 450 2,000 45 2.6
Orcish Boots Orcish Boots orcish_boots 17.0 300 800 30 10.5

Heavy Boots[edit]

Daedric, Dwemer,
Ebony, Imperial Steel, Imperial Templar,
Iron, Steel
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Daedric Boots Daedric Boots daedric_boots 60.0 800 20,000 80 26.3
Dwemer Boots Dwemer Boots dwemer_boots 20.0 200 300 20 8.8
Ebony Boots Ebony Boots ebony_boots 40.0 600 10,000 60 17.5
Imperial Steel Boots Imperial Steel Boots imperial boots 19.0 170 50 16 8.8
Imperial Templar Boots Imperial Templar Boots templar boots 20.0 180 50 18 8.8
Iron Boots Iron Boots iron boots 19.0 450 20 10 2.6
Steel Boots Steel Boots steel_boots 20.0 150 40 15 8.8


Light Gauntlets/Bracers[edit]

Cloth, Glass, Leather, Nordic Fur
Chitin, Netch Leather, Nordic Fur
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Cloth Bracer Cloth Left Bracer
Cloth Right Bracer
cloth bracer left
cloth bracer right
1.5 20 3 4 6
Glass Bracer Left Glass Bracer
Right Glass Bracer
3.0 400 4,000 50 10
Leather Bracer Left Leather Bracer
Right Leather Bracer
left leather bracer
right leather bracer
1.5 20
5 5 6
Nordic Fur Bracer Nordic Fur Left Bracer
Nordic Fur Right Bracer
1.5 25 5 5 6
Chitin Gauntlet Chitin Left Gauntlet
Chitin Right Gauntlet
chitin guantlet [sic] - left
chitin guantlet [sic] - right
1.0 50 9 10 10
Netch Leather Gauntlet Netch Leather Left Gauntlet
Netch Leather Right Gauntlet
3.0 25 7 5 6
Nordic Fur Gauntlet Nordic Fur Left Gauntlet
Nordic Fur Right Gauntlet
1.5 25 7 5 6

Medium Gauntlets/Bracers[edit]

Bonemold, Indoril, Orcish
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Bonemold Bracer Bonemold Left Bracer
Bonemold Right Bracer
4.0 75 50 15 16
Indoril Gauntlet Indoril Left Gauntlet
Indoril Right Gauntlet
indoril left gauntlet
indoril right gauntlet
4.5 225 1,400 45 6
Orcish Bracer Orcish Left Bracer
Orcish Right Bracer
4.4 150 400 30 24

Heavy Gauntlets/Bracers[edit]

Dwemer, Ebony, Iron,
Imperial Templar, Slave's
Daedric, Imperial Steel, Iron, Steel
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Dwemer Bracer Dwemer Left Bracer
Dwemer Right Bracer
5.0 100 150 20 20
Ebony Bracer Ebony Left Bracer
Ebony Right Bracer
10.0 300 5,000 60 40
Iron Bracer Iron Left Bracer
Iron Right Bracer
5.0 50 10 10 20
Imperial Templar Bracer Imperial Templar Left Bracer
Imperial Templar Right Bracer
templar bracer left
templar bracer right
5.0 90 25 18 20
Daedric Gauntlet Daedric Left Gauntlet
Daedric Right Gauntlet
15.0 400 14,000 80 60
Imperial Steel Gauntlet Imperial Steel Left Gauntlet
Imperial Steel Right Gauntlet
imperial left gauntlet
imperial right gauntlet
5.0 80 33 16 20
Iron Gauntlet Iron Left Gauntlet
Iron Right Gauntlet
7.0 50 14 10 2.5
Steel Gauntlet Steel Left Gauntlet
Steel Right Gauntlet
5.0 75 28 15 20


Light Shields[edit]

Chitin, Glass, Netch Leather, Nordic Leather
Tower Shields:
Chitin, Glass, Netch Leather
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Chitin Shield Chitin Shield chitin_shield 4.0 200 22 10 25
Glass Shield Glass Shield glass_shield 9.0 1,000 13,600 50 30
Netch Leather Shield Netch Leather Shield netch_leather_shield 6.0 100 17 5 15
Nordic Leather Shield Nordic Leather Shield nordic_leather_shield 4.5 100 25 5 15
Chitin Tower Shield Chitin Tower Shield chitin_towershield 6.0 240 32 12 37.5
Glass Tower Shield Glass Tower Shield glass_towershield 9.0 1,100 20,000 55 45
Netch Leather Tower Shield Netch Leather Tower Shield netch_leather_towershield 9.0 100 25 5 22.5

Medium Shields[edit]

Bonemold, Dreugh, Indoril
Tower Shields:
Bonemold, Dragonscale, Orcish
House Shields:
Hlaalu, Redoran, Telvanni
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Bonemold Shield Bonemold Shield bonemold_shield 10.0 300 170 15 40
Dreugh Shield Dreugh Shield dreugh_shield 13.5 800 2,550 40 45
Indoril Shield Indoril Shield indoril shield 13.5 900 2,000 45 45
Bonemold Tower Shield Bonemold Tower Shield bonemold_towershield 13.0 340 250 17 60
Dragonscale Tower Shield Dragonscale Tower Shield dragonscale_towershield 12.0 440 230 22 60
Orcish Tower Shield Orcish Tower Shield orcish_towershield 13.4 640 2,000 32 90
Hlaalu Guard Shield Hlaalu Guard Shield bonemold_tshield_hlaaluguard 13.0 340 250 17 60
Redoran Guard Shield Redoran Banner Shield
Redoran Guard Shield
13.0 340 250 17 60
Telvanni Guard Shield Telvanni Guard Shield bonemold_tshield_telvanniguard 13.0 340 250 17 60

Heavy Shields[edit]

Daedric, Dwemer, Ebony, Iron, Nordic Trollbone, Steel
Tower Shields:
Daedric, Ebony, Imperial, Iron, Steel
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Daedric Shield Daedric Shield daedric_shield 45.0 1,600 34,000 80 150
Dwemer Shield Dwemer Shield dwemer_shield 15.0 400 510 20 50
Ebony Shield Ebony Shield ebony_shield 30.0 1,200 17,000 60 100
Iron Shield Iron Shield iron_shield 15.0 200 34 10 50
Nordic Trollbone Shield Nordic Trollbone Shield trollbone_shield 16.0 360 78 18 40
Steel Shield Steel Shield steel_shield 15.0 300 68 15 50
Daedric Tower Shield Daedric Tower Shield daedric_towershield 45.0 1,600 50,000 80 225*
Ebony Tower Shield Ebony Tower Shield ebony_towershield 30.0 1,200 25,000 60 150
Imperial Shield Imperial Shield imperial shield 14.0 320 78 16 50
Iron Tower Shield Iron Tower Shield iron_towershield 18.0 240 50 12 75
Steel Tower Shield Steel Tower Shield steel_towershield 20.0 360 100 18 75

* The best item in the game for enchanting.