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< Morrowind: Places: Caves(Redirected from Morrowind:Ekapi)
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Walkthrough: not written

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(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Slavers, Slaves
Console Location Code(s)
Ascadian Isles, [0,-6]

Panat is a small slaver hideout north of Pelagiad. Its entrance faces northwest on the shores of Lake Amaya.

The interior of the cave

The loot here consists of scrolls, potions, ingredients, clothing, equipment, weapons, soul gems, sundries, gold, jewels, skooma, moon sugar, and books.

The battlemage Dravil Omavel holds the Panat Slave Key. There is also another slave key on the stool next to the Orc on the landing above the slave pit.


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Bum gra-Logob Female Orc Barbarian 8 103 92 0 90
Dravil Omavel Male Dark Elf Battlemage 9 83 136 0 90
Ekapi Female Khajiit Slave 1 40 80 0 10
Lorchel Female Wood Elf Barbarian 11 108 96 0 90
Sor Male Nord Barbarian 8 106 72 0 90
Tsabhi Female Khajiit Slave 1 40 80 0 10
Ula Male Argonian Slave 1 40 80 0 10

