Lore:Dwarven Spider

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A Dwarven Spider

Dwarven Spiders (also known as Dwemer Spiders and Centurion Spiders) are small constructs resembling spiders that are very common in Dwemer ruins. They are versatile automatons and perform a variety of functions, such as guarding locations. They can often be found scuttling around ruins, sometimes repairing things.[1] Swarming spiders are present in some ruins, where they burst out of pressure vaults to attack intruders.


Sotha Sil examining a Dwarven Spider (Legends)

Dwarven Spiders were used by the Dwemer for a variety of purposes. They were often used for repair and renovation.[1][2] When protecting Dwarven ruins, they attack intruders using blasts of lightning,[3] or by emitting poisonous gases from a sack.[4] They are typically controlled or activated via special control rods.[5][6][7]

Larger vamidium models were designed by the Dwemer for transportation purposes. Giant Dwarven spiders are very powerful and hard to come across. They were often used as powerful guardians or for maintaining important Dwemer facilities.[8]

Like most Dwemer constructs, standard Dwarven spiders usually can't operate independently far from Dwemer cities or installations, at least without a Dwemer operator or the use of a control rod. The Dwemer genius Razak sought to circumvent this limitation, attempting to create a Dwarven spider whose soul gem would keep them charged for eras, though this task would only be finished posthumously.[7][9] Neramo, an Altmer researcher would go on to discover a method for modifying Dwarven spiders that would allow them to operate autonomously, enabling them to be used as pets and assistants. While these spiders were capable of running out of charge,[6] the method saw somewhat widespread use.[10]

Neramo was known to study alongside an enigmatic person referred to as the Spidersmith who helped modify a Dwarven Spider vamidium to have aesthetics of the Skaal culture.[11] This individual was known to seek out exotic materials from other realms for these modified spiders; for instance, the Spidersmith found remnants of the realm of Mirrormoor and summoned Glass Atronachs in the shape of Dwarven Spider vamidiums.[12]

Though no Dwemer ruins exist as far south as Elsweyr, the nomadic tribe of Khajiiti traders, the Baandari Pedlars often re-purposed abandoned equipment and technology, like Dwarven Spiders for their own uses such as transportation.[13] Smaller spiders are used to retrieve items lost in tight spaces like crevices.[14]


See Also[edit]


  1. ^ a b Dwemer Dungeons: What I KnowKireth Vanos, Dungeon-Delver Extraordinaire
  2. ^ Events of The Sanctuary and the Manufactory in Skyrim
  3. ^ Dwarven Spider combat capabilities in ESO and Skyrim
  4. ^ Centurion Spider combat capabilities in Morrowind
  5. ^ Spider Control Rods in Skyrim
  6. ^ a b Neramo's dialogue in ESO
  7. ^ a b Notes on Razak
  8. ^ Forgotten Seasons, v1 — Elberon Blackthorn
  9. ^ Razak's Opus pet description in ESO
  10. ^ Dwarven Spider pet description in ESO
  11. ^ All-Maker's Dwarven Spider's description in ESO
  12. ^ Glass Atronach Dwarven Spider mount in ESO
  13. ^ Baandari Dwarven Spider mount description in ESO
  14. ^ Pedlar Pack Spider pet description in ESO