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< Skyrim: Items / Armor(Redirected from Skyrim:Bonemold Armor)
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Bonemold armor is heavy armor which can be crafted from iron ingots, netch leather, and bone meal with the Steel Smithing perk. All items can be tempered using two samples of bone meal. According to Captain Veleth, it is crafted from actual bone which is reinforced with a resin-like material and shaped into armor pieces. Bonemold Bolts are only available with the Rare Curios creation installed.

Bonemold Armor[edit]

Male Bonemold Armor
Male Pauldron Bonemold Armor
Female Bonemold Armor
Female Bonemold Pauldron Armor

Bonemold armor has a slightly better armor rating than steel armor, and weighs less.

Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-misc-Netch Leather.pngN Leather SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-ingredient-Bone Meal.png B Meal Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-armor-Bonemold Armor.png Bonemold Armor
34 290 32 2 1 10 24 213 3.4 3.77
SR-icon-armor-Bonemold Guard Armor.png Bonemold Guard Armor
SR-icon-armor-Bonemold Pauldron Armor.png Bonemold Pauldron Armor
36 33 26 3.6
SR-icon-armor-Bonemold Boots.png Bonemold Boots
7 60 12 1 1 6 1 13 1.17 1.28
SR-icon-armor-Bonemold Gauntlets.png Bonemold Gauntlets
3.5 60 12 1 1 4 -1.5 23 0.70 1.62
SR-icon-armor-Bonemold Helmet.png Bonemold Helmet
4.5 135 17 1 1 6 -2.5 88 0.75 2.87
SR-icon-armor-Bonemold Shield.png Bonemold Shield
8 95 21.5 1 1 8 1 38 1.14 1.67
Totals (with shield): 57/59 640 94.5/95.5 6 5 34 22/24 375 1.63/1.69 2.42
Totals (without shield): 49/51 545 73/74 5 4 26 21/23 337 1.75/1.82 2.62

Improved Bonemold Armor[edit]

After finding the bonemold formula, improved bonemold armor can be crafted at any forge. Additionally netch jelly, stalhrim, and void salts will be needed. Its armor rating is slightly better than Dwarven armor, and it weighs less.

Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-misc-Netch Leather.pngN Leather SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-ingredient-Bone Meal.png B Meal SR-icon-ingredient-Netch Jelly.pngN Jelly SR-icon-misc-Stalhrim.pngStalhrim SR-icon-ingredient-Void Salts.png Void Salts Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-armor-Bonemold Pauldron Armor.png Improved Bonemold Armor
43 290 35 2 1 10 1 1 1 31.3 -132 3.68 0.69
SR-icon-armor-Bonemold Boots.png Improved Bonemold Boots
9 60 13 1 1 6 1 1 1 1.3 -332 1.17 0.15
SR-icon-armor-Bonemold Gauntlets.png Improved Bonemold Gauntlets
7 60 13 1 1 4 1 1 1 0.3 -322 1.04 0.16
SR-icon-armor-Bonemold Helmet.png Improved Bonemold Helmet
11 135 18 1 1 6 1 1 1 3.3 -257 1.43 0.34
SR-icon-armor-Bonemold Shield.png Improved Bonemold Shield
11 95 26 1 1 8 1 1 1 2.3 -307 1.26 0.24
Totals (with shield): 81 640 105 6 5 34 5 5 5
Totals (without shield): 70 545 79 5 4 26 4 4 4


Bonemold Bolts are only available with the Rare Curios creation installed.

Name (ID) Weight Value Damage Crit.
Speed Reach Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-weapon-Bonemold Bolt.png Bonemold BoltCC
0 3 15 N/A 10 Bone Meal + 1 Firewood =
Makes 10 bolts
(?) (?) (?) (?)
This item can only be crafted by siding with the Dawnguard.


Female Bonemold Guard Armor
Male Bonemold Guard Armor
  • The bonemold guard armor variant is worn by Captain Veleth, while the pauldron-less version is worn commonly by reavers. The version with pauldrons is worn by Redoran guards.
  • Unlike in Morrowind, there are no variants of the helmet or shield.
  • Only the pauldron armor variant has an improved version.

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